I'm living precariously all on my own, thanks. Re: Susan Boyle - Its what's inside that really counts, isn't it?
These two should get together and get busy producing some sweet music or something like that . . . ? :kiss: LOL! He makes that old lady cry at 1:33 and I think the female judge had an orgasm at 1:56! Wildkow
It's sad to think that she probably doesn't understand the can she has opened. Her life was probably as good as the next guy before it happened and she is in for so much of a shock. I hope she can keep it together through the ride.
The audience makes so much noise after the first couple of notes, that you can hardly hear the performers. Yes, both of the singers in the above clips are good, but you can't really tell for all the racket the yahoos are making. Of course, since it's television, I'm not surprised. The typical tv audience probably cannot sit through a whole minute of anything without interrupting.
Someone just found a rendition of "Cry me a River" that she did 10 years ago. It was on a charity CD that only had 1000 copies pressed. Have a listen to here:
Nice find theonhar! Here's the interview, just wish I could understand what they were saying. . . . LOL! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgNVHMRD-bE]YouTube - The Susan Boyle Sensation - Eddie Anderson on The Five Thirty Show (STV)[/ame]
Have you ever been in a TV audience? The first thing you notice is the big signs blinking on telling everyone when to yell, clap, whatever. The yahoos are just following instructions, not initiating anything on their own whatsoever.
Oh brother! :doh: FL_Prius_Driver, you and Dan are like two peas in a bummer pod and Dan wonder's why he can't get any dates. . . ? :noidea: Geeez it's a mystery to me too! :nod: Wildkow
While every studio that I have ever worked in did indeed have "Applause" lights hanging in the grids, in this instance, they were not needed. The amazed expressions on the judges faces were just amplified by the audience's realization that there was something amazing happening on stage! That's why they went nuts! I truly believe those signs were not needed at that moment! That voice negated their need! I hope she has the ability to handle whats to come! I wish her well!!!!!
One thing I overlooked was that this was a British production. What is going on out of sight might be quite different than American TV. Any insight on if it is different? PS. I wish her well also, but TV fame is a fickle beast.
Well British TV is different, but the "Applause" light is a constant in all Television Studios. Sometimes, the stuff you shoot just is not funny!!! I have had witness to that during tapings of shows that I have worked on. Its also there to get the audience to respond on cue to enhance the shows. To top it off, if there still is not enough applause, the folks in "Sweetening" can always add a Laff Track, Moans, Groans. You name it, it can be "Sweetened"
Bev, No it isn't. It is a sad fact that people who succeed on these shows often do seem to be managed. The shock factor of seeing someone walk on stage after several failures have just walked off,(I don't know if this was the case but it is the norm in this type of show. And I don't mean failures in life just performers who failed to move the judges.) and that person has an appearance which gives you the impression the person will be joining the wanna-be group, then to hear such a superb voice that just blows everyone away. Remember the guy last year, a little over weight, crooked teeth who sang like an angel? Someone already did on the previous page, Paul Potts. I'm not sure how he went through the competition but I hope he did really well. Susan isn't a classic beauty but I would be willing to bet that over the course of the show he look changes to something more glamorous, I didn't say sexy but glamorous and her appearance on stage will be more striking. Sorry if I offended you Bev or anyone else, I was not commenting on her but on the industry she has made he debut in at this performance. It does appear I was wrong about the eyebrows though, they are similar in the early video of her, but I think a little heavier looking. It will be interesting to track her progress, which is just what the producers want to hear people say. I hope she wins, I really do.
And it can be planned? In the case of Susan and Paul Potts, I find it hard to believe that they essentially walked off the street and onto stage in front of totally unsuspecting judges in prime time......or it played out exactly as what we saw. I'm predicting that next year, the same ugly duckling miracle happens even yet again. What do you think? PS. Pat beat me to it
I was watching CNN, I think, and they had a 3 way interview with Paul Potts, Susan, and the Anchor. Paul is currently a Millionaire Opera Singer. Susan sure has a chance to elevate herself significantly, and financially, if she has the PROPER help! Her life if about to take a RADICAL Left turn!! 15 million Utube Hits as of 4 PM PDST! Just imagine if that hapened to anyone of us!!
I had the same thought about how much was known before hand and as they say in political coverups 'Who knew what when'. I too find it hard to believe that out of the blue this wonder of nature suddenly shows up and somehow gets on primetime national TV. Hmmmm. In a later interview the judges tried to coverup their boorishness toward her by saying that they had a long day of really horrible auditions til then and they were just expecting more of the same. That would imply that the production was taped and editted in order to be condensed to a weekly show format. How long did that audience have to sit though a series of awful auditions. 2 hrs? 6 hrs? 10 hrs? Do they just audition everyone that shows up or is there a prelim to the prelim? My guess is Yes. Somebody knew something methinks. Maybe it was just the staffers who did the preliminary screening. I'm gonna guess too that Simon as the boss of the whole production knew what was going to happen. [ Note the editted shots of music being cued and the commentary of the two runners offstage ]. Simon also said that he knew she was going to do something special but it was laughed away as a joke on his part. I think it probably wasn't a joke. He also showed the least surprise of the three judges. The audience obviously had no clue...good showmanship there. Anyway it was well done by everyone especially Susan.
Hi Bevspark! :welcome: Re: Susan Boyle - Staged or not? In general, this is why I don't watch American Idol or other "reality" shows like Survivor - because it seems to be very contrived. However, contrived or not, I hope Susan Boyle does well - she has a fantastic voice and she seems to be a good person based upon the comments by the people in her hometown. I don't normally listen to show tunes, but I would listen to anything she sings.
Piers Morgan on Susan Boyle: 'She can do whatever she wants now' | Showbiz News and Scoop | Studio and Network Dish | EW.com
Hi Everyone, Thanks for the intro Pat. I can see I am nieve when it comes to reality shows. I can see now how the production could have been fixed. In relation to Paul Potts, the money he is now earing from his singing has obviously helped him to improve his outward appearance, and I would admit the same would happen to Susan given the chance. I guess we can only hope that they remain the same on the inside, and remain true to themselves and their families and friends.