I love it when this happens! :yo: [ame="http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4853639/12942069"]Susan Boyle Sings on Britain's Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 on Yahoo! Video[/ame] Wildkow p.s. At about 1:20+ Simon looks like he wants to ravish her right on stage. ound:
A talented female singer - what a concept! The judges rolling their eyes because she's not young, pretty and dancing half-naked is a sad commentary on our society.
A nice comment about this point in the Guardian - over-reaches a bit with some petty name-calling, but not by much: Tanya Gold on Boyle Great performance from Ms. Boyle. Still sends tingles down my spine when she starts singing.
There is a longer, uncut version here: Susan Boyle was the golden ticket of reality TV There are some of the backstage events before and after the performance in the longer version.
This was the only one I could find that would embed, Youtube won't let you share any of their versions. Wildkow
very nice, but many have just as much talent and fail because of looks, poise, etc... it is too bad. but because beauty is so fleeting and time waits for no one, there is simply more than enough people who choose to live (and pay for) precariously through others.
what other excuse do we have for ga-ga'ing over the likes of Paris Hilton? at least Jessica Simpson can sing a little, so i can vaguely understand her appeal although most of that appeal has nothing to do with her ability to sing
I think it should have been "living vicariously through others". Mis-hearing words often lead to hilarious results. My favorite has to be "Gladly, The Cross-Eyed Bear" (aka "Gladly the Cross I'd Bear")
I wish that when I was young, I could have thought more about the fact that when I get very very old (and everyone else as well), that I will look a whole lot worse. My reality check has already begun.
I remember when "Who's Next" came out!!! I must have seen them 5, 6 times.... Quadrophenia rocked!!! Hell, I'm 57...... Still feel 25!!!! I thought the lead in was going to lead into something horrible, but that lady can really belt out a tune!!! Good for her. I see Simon was stunned, they all were!!
I wonder if she is being managed? The hair and eyebrows seemed over the top, bad to me. I just wonder if someone has seen the value in a shocking good voice coming from an ordinary looking face then they improve the look as she progresses through the competition. Lets see what transpires. Yes her voice is amazing, she really has a great talent. I hope she goes right through to the end. Being an English competition, I wonder if she learnt to sing at the football?
I've got one for you.... "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" IRON BUTTERFLY 1968 Doug Ingle, the bands vocalist is reported to have said the title was an alcohol-slurred version of "In the Garden of Eden," I saw a story on cable, Susan Boyle sings weekly at her local church. The Vicar said she was a big draw !
I saw the B'Way show 4 or 5 times with my children and loved it every time. That song was always my favorite. Susan's redition is absolutely as good or better than the original cast recording which was spectacular. I will have to say that I got more than misty while watching it 10 or 20 times. The reactions from all three judges as well as the audience are the best as she hits notes perfectly that no one ever expected her to hit. I have the original cast recording and I've listened to that showstopper maybe 500 times over the last 10 yrs on CD or MP3. She hit every note, with passion. But what surprised me most was her stage presence and mannerisms while singing. She held the audience and the three judges in her hand during that time. Before and after she might have been a little awkward, but she had her own sense self confidence to know that she could 'rock that audience'. It showed. It's for situations like this that the internetz was created. Who would have known about her except her local parishoners. This is one of the best feel good stories of the year. It's not as significant as gliding to a landing on the Hudson but a story like this does make our lives fuller. Best wishes on Susan for the rest of her life. Mine is better for experiencing her phenomenal performance.
Pat I am surprised at you, every statement you just wrote is sexist and judgemental. I think she is lovely and has a lovely sweet voice. I hope they dont get hold of her and change her.