For any Prius that is getting repainted, I want to know if they bake the entire car in an oven or a room with infrared lights. If the temperature goes above 45 degrees C that is not good for the HV battery.
Got socked by hail as well. Just got the windshield replaced, however it has a tint band across the top. Does anyone know if ALL replacement windshields for the Prius are like this? I know for sure I said I wanted the exact same replica glass that I originally had, ie: OEM (which means no tint). I didn't really notice it when I drove it off the lot, not until the sun started to go down. Weird. Not sure if I'm going to like this tint. I might take it back but that would be a pain. The whole experience has been a pain in of itself. Fortunately most of the car was spared (at least this time). I only have about 3 or 4 small dents that I'm willing to deal with, unless some paintless-dent-repair company gives me a decent estimate. I didn't use insurance this goaround because the windshield replacement cost was less than the deductable.
Re: HAIL DAMAGE!!! Yeah it required the full deduc. @ $500 The replacement cost was $325 I actually tried to have it "repaired" first, which was free. I think this actually accelerated the crack.
Re: HAIL DAMAGE!!! I know nothing about car painting, but they "only" repainted the roof and the hood. Do they need an oven? Is that how they dry it? I went this morning to "pick up" my Prius but there were a few things I was not happy with that they are going to be fixing. One of the things I noticed is that the headliner on the back is sagging; they claim Prius are like that, unfortunately I can't remember how it used to be so I'm not being convincing on how it should be. Can anyone comment on what's normal sagging for a 2008 Prius?
wow... that was some bad damage but its easy to fix w/ some touchup paint, maybe. try to shop around online and avoid the body/collision shops.
Re: HAIL DAMAGE!!! Any post-hail comparison stats? Mythbusters: Dimpled Car Video at PA P
Re: HAIL DAMAGE!!! "An ounce of prevention..." Most folks concede that a hard cover (garage, car port, bridge, etc.) is the best prevention. Still, everybody doesn't have access to either. Hurry-up, quick alternatives include mattresses, rugs or rug padding, or the dimpled mattress pads. FWIW, here are some currently available anti-hail damage covers from a 'net search: HailBlankets - The Ultimate Car Cover Custom Car Cover - Materials - All Weather Car Covers Hailstone Resistant Car Cover - on Block-it EVOLUTION Covers MAXI STORM CAR COVER HAIL BRANCHES DEBRIS PROTECTION - eBay Hope this helps.