I have a 2004 Prius and recently purchased a new 12 Volt battery from eLearnAid.com ( after reading an article I found on one of these forums) I was having trouble mostly from leaving the (a) door ajar and finding a low battery after just a few hours. As far as I could tell the only thing that does is light a warning light on the dash. Well the new battery appears to make all the insturment lights brighter but if I leave a door ajar for a day I still can't start the car. Is there any way to make an audible alarm go off when the dooris ajar? That seems a lot more useful than haveing that alarm go off when the car is in reverse.
Lock the car each time you leave it. It won't lock if the doors are not closed tight and will give an audible alarm.
i have gotten in the habit of doing exactly this. close the door and hit the black square. the only time its annoying is when my wife takes 20 mins to get out of the car
That doesn't seem like a great solution for me. The most common mistake I have made is to close the back hatch and it doesn't latch all the way. It still will not open without depressing the release but the instrument light is on showing that is not fully closed. The next day the battery will be dead. I just tried locking the doors with one adjar. It locks just fine using the inside control but not the remote. However in no case do I get an audible alarm. The only way to know it is unlocked is try to open it. If you are standing close ~< 3 meters you can hear it lock/unlock but probably not if parked on a busy street. I have replaced the dome light with some high intensity LED's these cut down the drain on the battery a lot if you accedintly leave a door open ( in the daytime for example) but you still won't make it more than one evening with the door open. Finially, I never intentionally leave it open. The last time my 3 year old grandson didn't latch it securely when he exited the car from the back seat where his car set is. Also does anyone know how to turn on those lights that are behind the Visers above the windscreen? Neither of mine seem to work.
QFT!! Though I recently got her back by taking my time getting out of the house and to the car.... in the rain.
Just noticed that you have a "base" model. The audible sound when a door is ajar is for the models with SKS. As for the vanity mirror lights, the light should go on when you slide the door open that covers the mirror. I don't know if this applies to the base model.
That's it for the vanity lights, not only does the mirror have to be open but the angle of the visor has to be pretty close to where you would look at it thanks.
You could turn the lights to the OFF postition. They wont come on at all. You wont be able to see in the dark, but you wont run your battery flat either.
OldSkeet: Do you have any aftermarket stereos in your car with some kind of memory for the pre-set stations? I have read here that some installs of aftermarket radios draw some current all the time, as well as some after market car alarms too.
No origional stereo. The car only draws about 80 mA when asleep ! 150 ma whit the door adjar and over 1 A with the dome light on.
If you can't train yourself to shut everything every time you leave the car I think you're stuck. You are certain that you're not leaving the car in ACCessory instead of OFF?
OldSkeet, It looks like you've gotten the best we have to offer: either lock the car with the FOB -- if you've got one -- or learn the discipline to check for lights etc each time you exit the car. Hey, there is only so much that can be done here. I want to believe that you are asking in good faith. But a nagging doubt is beginning to form. There is a certain after-market electrical device that by its own claims will monitor battery drain after the car is shut down and not permit the battery to go below a certain limit. We have been told it is frequently installed by deallers in the greater LA area. It goes for some $250, IIRC. Many of us suspect it is more a revenue generator than a useful addition. On this forum at least, it is generally considered a waste of money, and an outrage to have the thing foisted on a buyer by a dealer. I'm not naming the questionable bit of dealer installed tom-foolery on purpose. But my sense is that you are fishing for somebody here to endorse it. Is it possible that there is a hidden agenda behind this? I'm hoping I'm reading this wrong.