What am I doing wrong? -- Treo 650 Help!!!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by tamden, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. tamden

    tamden New Member

    Apr 8, 2005
    Please Help!

    I set up the phone per the cues on the prius and on the treo. I can get the phone connect such that every time I get in the car with the phone it says "Bluetooth Connection Successful." But, when I try to make a call from the nav screen it says check phone. I can't get it to work. :(

    I have a Cingular Treo 650. I have not downloaded PalmOne's car kit. Do I have to download it to get the phone to work? What else might I have done wrong. Thanks in advance.
  2. David

    David Member

    Dec 16, 2003
    Vero Beach, Florida
    2012 Prius v wagon
    The Palm car kit download helps make it work. Its very frustrating without it and fairly workable with it.

    Once I spent the four minutes it takes to download the car kit and install it I had no more trouble connecting with the Treo 650.

    Good luck.
  3. salstress

    salstress New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    I concur with David. Download the car kit, and follow the instructions exactly. When I initially re-did the connection with the updated car kit software I only had it partially working, where the car recognized my Treo 650, but I couldn't make or receive calls through the car's speaker. I redid it again and this time turned the phone off toward the end, and then turned it on again and made a call, which finally worked. One point of note is that the car hangs in the mode of finding the phone. Ignore that. Once your phone recognizes the car, turn the phone off then turn it back on then make a call. It will hopefully work.

    Another point on this matter. Before finding the information on the web, I had gone to my dealer, looked in the Prius user manual, contacted Cingular, contacted the company that provides the service and contacted an independent technician whose company focuses on Bluetooth installations (referred from Cingular) and NONE of them had any clue how to help. So don't waste your time like I did!

    Good luck!
  4. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    We just succeeded in pairing my wife's Treo 650 with CarMyne. We did download & install the car kit which we had to since we are with Sprint and needed the other updates as well. Anyway, it seems to work fine and we transferred the phone book successfully. I've noticed that if the keyboard lock is on, the Treo may not be recognized when you start the car. If we go through the keyboard unlock manually, it works fine.
  5. David

    David Member

    Dec 16, 2003
    Vero Beach, Florida
    2012 Prius v wagon
    My Treo connects even with the keyboard lock on. Its very effortless. I'm curious to know whether you drop your current call when a new person calls you? The dropped call issue is my primary concern since I tend to get a lot of calls. The good side of it is, it helps me keep my conversations short and to the point.
  6. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    Thanks for the info about the keyboard lock. I thought I had set the Treo to allow wake up but when I checked, it wasn't so that seems to have been the problem. It now pairs just fine without unlocking the keyboard.
    Regarding dropped calls, I do get a "Call terminated by network" message and the current call drops when a second call comes in. Do you know if this is related to the call waiting feature? Think I'll try disabling it temporarily on an outgoing call and then see if that call gets dropped by an incoming call. I would like to disable call waiting permanently as I prefer not to interrupt an on-going conversation anyway.
  7. jrfaris

    jrfaris Member

    Feb 25, 2004
    Windward Oahu
    2007 Prius
    Well, I checked and if you disable call waiting (*70) for your outgoing call, an incoming call goes directly to voice mail and the initial outgoing call will not be dropped. Otherwise, any call that is in progress gets dropped when a new call comes in and the Treo briefly switches to the call waiting screen.
  8. delrey

    delrey Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    SF Bay Area (East Bay)
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Great workaround jrfaris!
    Thanks for sharing this suggestion.
    -> 100 points to you :)

  9. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    I spent a good part of today trying to get my 05 Prius to discover my Treo 650. My Treo discovers the car, but it appears to be "unrequited love" between them...the car is not seeing my Treo.

    I downloaded and installed the carkit V1.08 without a problem, but I still have not had success. After searching around PalmOne's website, I did come across a compatibility table that indicates the Treo is NOT compatible with Toyota. ( http://www.palmone.com/us/support/download...date/#supported )

    After reading the forum, I'm now confused: some people have no problems, some have a few problems, and some are as baffled as I am (and I'm a systems engineer, which makes my inability to get this to work either an embarassment to me or a testament on poor engineering by either Toyota or PalmOne).

    In any event, if somebody can expound on the recommendations here, I would be grateful.
  10. macreative

    macreative New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Los Angeles, California
    the Treo sucks... I had to take mine back after three hours. Very lousy operation with the Prius in comparison to the Motorolas. I went back to my Moto 551 becuase it works super with the prius and it's not expensive. + the Motorolas can upload names and phone numbers to the prius whereas the Treo does not have that ability, so, personally I thought the Treo was a waste...
  11. QuickS2ilver

    QuickS2ilver New Member

    Mar 24, 2005
    Tisel Town (LA)

    I was having the same problems as you. I also have the Cingular 650 and I could not get it to connect until last nght!

    Here is how:

    1. download and install the software update from PalmOne
    2. Go to your Palm's Prefs and under communication there should be a handsfree bullet. Go there and change the Auto answer to Immediately.

    3. sync your palm to your prius and everything should work fine.

    Now when I turn my car on everytime I get the Bluetooth connection Successful!
  12. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    QuickS2ilver, I tried what you suggested...no success. I downloaded and installed the v1.08 upgrade, and changed the autoanswer to "Immediately." The same thing happened, namely, nothing.

    Interestingly, when I change the name of the handsfree system in the Prius, my Treo still discovers the same device called "HANDS FREE." In other words, the device name never changes, and I'm under the impression it should show the correct device name. I'm now wondering if my Treo is properly detecting the car's Bluetooth as well. Yet my Treo will inform me that the link was successful once I put in the Prius Bluetooth passcode. I'm stumped.

    I have to believe that PalmOne's claim is being substantiated by my experience so far, that Toyota's Bluetooth is not compatible with the Palm OS (which is puzzling, since the Bluetooth protocol is a standard that all equipped devices should interface with). I'm even more puzzled by the number of people who have succeeded in getting the interface to work...if anybody has some thoughts, I am certainly interested.

    Macreative, although the Treo is not perfect (certainly this Bluetooth problem is a big one) and the Sprint email system sucks (it's painfully slow, and doesn't "push" emails to the device like a Blackberry), I like the integrated Palm and phone capability. I spent years carrying around separate devices and I found that cumbersome, especially having to maintain identical but separate contact lists, one on the phone and one on my Palm. My first integrated device was the Treo 600, which served me well (but broke last week when I dropped it), so I'm pretty hooked on it now.

    If the Bluetooth-to-car link keeps on aggravating me, I will just purchase a Bluetooth headset and be done with it. Not the preferred solution, but a very close second. Life's full of compromises...I suppose this will just be one more.

    If anybody else has other suggestions, I'm all ears.
  13. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Just today I received my new SPRINT Treo 650. It came with the 1.08 update preinstalled on it, which supposedly already contains the car kit. My experience exactly mirrors that described by Todd. Any help from anybody who managed to get a Sprint Treo 650 to work with the Prius would be greatly appreciated. If you did, what did you do to get it to work? The more details the better.

    - Bill
  14. raybon

    raybon New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Boulder Creek, CA
    On the Treo 650, go to Bluetooth->Setup Devices->Hands-free Setup->Next. Make sure that when you are looking at the Discovery Results screen, at the top you should have Nearby Devices selected from the drop down. Once that is selected tap the Find More button.

    Others have gotten it to work, you may want to try looking through some of the other threads.

  15. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    Raybon, Thanks for the suggestion. However, I tried that innumerable times, tried variations, but no luck. This is frustrating.

    Thanks again...anybody else want to give this a shot?
  16. raybon

    raybon New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
    Boulder Creek, CA
    This was another thread about the Treo 650 and bluetooth. Unfortunately I didn't get the package with bluetooth in my Prius so I can't make any better documentation.

    New Treo 650 Rom Released

    The last post mentions something about the New Device Screen on the Prius, not sure if that would help.

  17. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD
    According to the link on the Toyota web site, ( http://www5.letstalk.com/brands/toyota/mlh...Code=2076491966 )

    Cingular and T-Mobile Bluetooth phones are the only ones compatible with the Prius Bluetooth. And neither provider, to the best of my knowledge, provides the Treo as a phone option for their service.

    This is consistent with the PalmOne site that states that the v1.08 upgrade is not compatible with Toyota and Lexus products.

    Two points here: The first, which I made earlier, is, how were some people able to successfully get their Treos to work with the Prius? Are they on Sprint or Verizon? I wonder if that makes a difference.

    Second, Toyota Motor Corp. is, I believe, the second largest car manufacterer after GM, and will likely surpass GM in the next few years. Sprint is the third largest natiowide provider of cell service, after Verizon and Cingular. PalmOne still has the lead for handheld device OSs. And Bluetooth is a standard protocol...it seems to me that if one Bluetooth device cannot connect to another device, then one or both components have not written to the Bluetooth spec and are really not Bluetooth compliant.

    Given all these assumptions, how the heck can the Treo NOT be compatible with the Prius? It seems to me somebody really "screwed the pooch" on this and that either Toyota, PalmOne, or Sprint did not follow the protocol spec for Bluetooth. Or, the other option is the Bluetooth protocol spec is improperly written and allows developers to develop systems that have variations in their protocol implementation. Just some thoughts from a systems engineer.

    In any event, this really should be fixed by the manufacturers, all of which have huge market share for their particular products/services. Presumably, given the size of the markets involved, there would be enough customers that have Sprint-configured Treos and Toyota vehicles to make this fix worthwhile. It's rather amazing that they all know about the problem but are not doing anything as of yet to resolve it.

    Any thoughts?
  18. ltu1542hvy

    ltu1542hvy New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Cotonou, Benin
    Other Non-Hybrid
    This morning I dug around on the forums over at Treo Central (www.treocentral.com) and found the answer to my own question. Yes, the Sprint Treo 650 does work quite well with the Prius Bluetooth interface, however, as we all suspected, there is a trick in setting it up.

    First, make sure that your Treo has the Sprint 1.08 update installed. If not, go to www.palmone.com, look for it (it's buried several levels down, but in a fairly obvious place), download it and install it.

    When you go to link up your Treo with the Prius BT and get stuck at the point where the Treo recognizes the Prius BT, but the Prius does not recognize the Treo, mash the green phone button on the Treo and make a call with the Treo. While the call is in progress the Prius BT will suddenly recognize the Treo and everything is good from there on.

    Also, make sure that your Treo is configured as follows:
    - Using the Prefs applet, look under General and tap on Keyguard. Check both settings for "Disable touchscreen when:", namely "Incoming Calls Received" and "On a call."
    - In the Bluetooth applet, press the Menu key. I have it set to "Enable device name cache" and "allow wakeup." Not sure how much of a difference these two settings make, but that's what I have mine set to.

    Now whenever I get in my car with my Treo clipped to my belt, a few moments after I power up the car I get a message on the MFD letting me know that the Bluetooth connection is established. Todd, give this a try and see if it works for you as well.

    - Bill
  19. QuickS2ilver

    QuickS2ilver New Member

    Mar 24, 2005
    Tisel Town (LA)
    I have a Cingular Treo 650, and the steps I listed may be strictly for a Cingular 650... It has worked for mine and my wifes 650 on both of my Prius and her Lexus which uses the same BT...

    Everything works perfectly with one exception. It won't display the signal bars on my cars screen? Does anyone know how get that to work???
  20. Todd

    Todd New Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    Silver Spring, MD

    I followed your instructions and I made some progress! Now the car recognizes the phone when it's in the car... However, I have only been able to use it once, and then it stopped working. When I call out, the Bluetooth fails to start. The same is true with incomming....I pressed the "receiver up" button when I received a call...not a thing happenned.

    So, what's the next step? Any suggestions?

    BTW, QuickS2ilver, the signal strength bars were not working eith for that one successful BT call I made. Looks like a design flaw to me.
