I own a 2006. I would like to ad a backup camera. I'm trying to understand a few things though: - What is the output of the OEM Toyota camera, composite analog video, RGB, component....digital? - Where does the video from the camera feed into the MFD unit? What format must the video be? - Would my car have the cable already? - Is there a difference between the 2005 and 2006 camera? (low res and hi res nav) What else do I need besides the camera. I can get one off ebay. Part no: 86790-47020
In the US the camera does not feed into the NAV unit as all but the package 1 include the camera while the NAV was available only in packages 7 & 8. Wouldn't an aftermarket camera be cheaper & easier to fit?
Heya. The cam feeds NTSC composite signal. No idea on the cable existence, but the head unit of '06 is ready for it with no mods. Check the internals of your hatch door, there must (or must not ) be a 4-pin male jack on a shielded cable. There's no such thing as '05 cam since no older cars were equipped with cameras, expect Japanese models with auto-parking. I've just installed a '06 camera into my '04 prius (quite a work) and must say it's amazing! Any 'aftermarket' camera is junk compared to the native one! It sees REALLY well even in darkness, when other cameras switch to B&W.
They did it here : caméra de recul dans prius 2006 (pas IPA) - Forum Prius Touring Club . you can use online translator to remove the french accent
Anyone who did camera installations on a 2003 Prius. I think I also want to put one on my ride since I always have a hard time parking especially at night. Any issues regarding installation or is it just the same for the 06 model? Thanks! __________________ GMC Accessories