We're hearing a lot of requests for information about the new Navigation system on the 2010 Prius. So here it is... in podcast form! Enjoy! 2010 Prius Navigation (you need iTunes) Keep an eye out for future podcasts about the Prius as well! Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA
The posted link appears to be good, but I've always had trouble with iTunes URL's on my PC. Alternately, you can search the iTunes Store for: Toyota eShowroom Mobile: 2010 Prius Navigation
There's something wrong with the download in itunes. I keep getting a "unknown error (400)" error message when I try to download
I installed iTunes and then clicked on the link from the Prius Team and had no problem. I've only watched one videos so far but Thanks as always Prius Team for something else to hold us over until pricing come out and delivery of our cars! :rockon:
Make sure that you are using the latest iTunes, there is a new version out. I think it is 8.1, and then try again.
wow, i thought it was only going to be one video, but you guess really went all out. every feature is pretty well explained.
The problem is that the URL used for the videos inside the RSS feed have spaces in them that aren't replaced by %20 as the standards require. When iTunes requests the video: GET /PodCastToy/Prius/Adjusting the Tone_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v HTTP/1.1\r\n It gets back a HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n message from the server. I pulled down the RSS feed file to my local computer, replaced the spaces with %20 in the various enclosure tags for the podcast episodes, and the files will download. Basically, Toyota needs to either remove the spaces from the filenames and update the RSS feed, or edit the RSS feed to replace the spaces in the enclosure url tags with %20. Looks like videos from a DVD owners manual for the 2010 Prius. The URL for the RSS feed is Toyota eShowroom Mobile: 2010 Prius Navigation if anyone else wants to try, but knowing a bit of HTML/XML is probably a prerequisite to do so.
I've also got a problem. Mac. Latest Itunes 8.1.1. I can find the podcasts but when I try to download them I get an Unknown error (400). Looks like there is an issue with the URL's.
Using the XML Fordan found, I was able to watch the videos by copying and pasting the URLs into my browser (without using iTunes). This worked on my Mac with Firefox, so I hope it helps others: the Voice Guidance Volum_1-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the Voice Guidance Volum_1-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the Tone_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v System Setup_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Maintenance-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the Search Area-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the Input Source-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a Bluetooth Device_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Vehicle Position-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a destination fix-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a Marked Point-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a Previous Destination_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Screen-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Version-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Arrival Time_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Points of Interest - Gas S-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Exit Information_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Started-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a POI by Name-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v a POI using Voice Recogni-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v an address Using Voice Re-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v an Address_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Vehicle Position as a Mar-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Your Home as a Destinatio-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v CDs Into the System_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v CDs Into the System_3-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v DVD LoadEjectfix 3-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Scale-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Screen Preferences-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Screen-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Toggle-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the CD Player_2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Operating a Bluetooth_1-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Operating a Bluetooth_fix-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v AMFM Radio-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Satellite Radio-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v the Auxiliary Input-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v Recognition-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v NavTraffic fixed2-H.264 for iPod Video 640x480.m4v
First, you're welcome. I hope you enjoyed them. Second, our content designers? We don't have those. The guys who put this together are the training developers who were designing these modules for our dealer personnel. They hadn't planned to share these publicly, but at my request they put them up for you by working some extra time. With the constraints we're facing in this industry, we can barely pull off creating stuff like this, let alone "TEST what you put out there in all possible environments with ALL the most likely configurations of security/privacy stance" Third, please know that we (myself and the rest of Prius Team) are here because we want to interact with Prius fans at the human level - we're not just some monolithic company behind a badge. That should be mostly positive for you. But the downside is that we actually read what you post, and react emotionally to your feedback just like you do to ours. Trust me, I try to stay as professional as possible, but we're human too. Please try to keep that in mind when you post. That said, there is more content coming, and we'll try to keep improving the format. Please bear with us. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Doug, As you probably know by now I'm a Portuguese Prius owner, and therefore what you do in the USA does not affect me directly and I can speak more "freely" about what I think about your work. In a word: "astonishing". I just can't believe how lucky my fellow American friends are that they have someone from Toyota freely posting and interacting with them on the web. I wish I had such luck here in Europe. I can't complain myself, I have been very well treated by top level management at Toyota Europe. I talk for all the other that can't reach Toyota that easily. And here you are, freely, voluntarily, and openly sharing info and inside information. For one I would like to THANK YOU. For you Hobbit, c'mon, you're one of my personal gurus here and in Yahoo's PTS group, you are a hell of an engineer and do wonders with your Prius. Are you telling me a guy like you could not do a simple search in Apple's iTunes? Even if you don't own a Mac or a PC, even if you are (I could almost bet you are a Linux geek ) you have to think that most people have either windows or mac. Either way it's a quicktime movie that's there to play. I'll just assume you had a very rough day
Can't wait to see the other content you guys can put up for us, helps with the wait. Thanks for actually making it all available to us, we certainly do appreciate it!
I have no issues using the online toyota manuals that you have for the Camry, Corolla and so forth. However, the navigation section is a pdf (at least the last time that I used it) and videos such as these are very limited (I only recall one for the ES350)
I'm a little slow sometimes (okay, most of the time) and am just now stumbling across this thread. I'm not really sure how I missed this one. In a word: ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?! You guys rock!! I've subscribed to the podcast and have downloaded one. I'll download the rest when I get home for fear of really ticking off the local IT department with this much activity. Doug, Erica, et al, thanks so much for this. (and if you're looking for a kick-nice person Training PM for Toyota U, let's talk)
What he really meant is: We are not worthy! Thanks for your great work, and doing so on the shoestring-ish web link budget.