You get a point when you make a post. So, at the most basic level, points=posts. Unless you were here before there were points. In which case points=(posts since points started). But, you can also give points to other people. And other people can give you points. So, to be exact. Points = (Posts since Points Started)-(Points you have given away)+(Points given to you)
You forgot that starting a thread = 2 points, so, finally, Points = (Posts since Points Started)-(Points you have given away)+(Points given to you)+2*(New Threads Started)
Ah, didn't know about the bonus for starting a thread. But, does it give you one for the post + 2 for starting (total 3 as implied by your formula)? Or just 2 for starting. Maybe it's Points = (Posts since Points Started)+(New Threads Started since Points Started)-(Points you have given away)+(Points given to you)
When discussing the points, we have to keep in mind that the concept of the point existed long before the physical or logical entity of the point had been created. Therefore, to say that points are given only when starting or replying to threads eliminates the possibility that the points might have been accumulating on another plane of existance before you actually penned the post. And I'm sure that one day, when string theory proves the existance of eleven different planes, we will find a brane which is flooded with points. Points, by the way, are not to be confused with zero-point energy or black hole singularities. Frank giving Tempus 250 points does not affect his astronomical mass or his density. However, his computer is now ever so slightly heavier. But that is to be expected. By the way, I just ate a most delicious burrito.
Good catch. Your formula is correct. Updated: Points equals (Posts procured since Points Started PLUS New Thread Point Perks LESS Points personaly parted from purposefully PLUS profit of Points passed privately)
We're a capitalist society. We acquire them. (Why?... Umm..... market forces! Yes, that's it -- market forces. :mrgreen
Since infinite points are being generated for N registered posters, so the integral is infinity * N as infinity approaches infinity = infinite points. So, PriusChat will eventually collapse and freeze into a fluid singularity of points swirling around doing nothing, aka entropy.
All of you with unloved points should donate them to me. I give my points special tender loving care where they flourish and multiply. I'm saving up points to create a line, but my geometry teacher reminded me that a line has an infinite number of points, so I decided to save up for a line segment. My geometry teacher reminded me that a line segment has an infinite number of points as well, so I need all the points I can get! In the meantime, please keep donating to my "point farm." Nate
AHA! Just as I suspected. They're "Drew Carey" points. Gee, any way we can give them to each other? That would be cool.
Just click the "Donate" link under the avatar of the person you want to give points to. See mine? just over there? <--------------------------------
they are pointless. maybe sometime far in the future they can be used for something. to earn them is simple. i think it's 1 point for posting. if you create a post it's 2 or 3. if it gets really popular you get more points. so on.. so on.. so on. but yeah... after posting this i'll see how many post and points i have. i've given some away in the past.