When ice goes off (while stoppig for traffic or slowing down) sgII goes to sleep in 15 seconds. Going down hill at 45 mph or better it stays on. Bothersome to hit home button often .Any answers? Dogsgofish
+1 to Hal. When the engine shuts off, the ScanGauge thinks the ignition is off, and shuts off after 15 seconds. There's a setting to defeat that. See your SG manual.
My ? exactly. But I have the original scangauge 1 and it does not come out of "sleep mode" when the ICE comes back on and there is no hybrid setting. Thanks to this forum, I now know that buying a SCANGAUGE 2 will solve this problem. This is my first post after registering and I had to do it as a reply because I do not know how to create a post after logging on a forum. Can anybody help me?
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Continuing off topic . . . Tortus Only the early versions of the original scanguage did not have a hybrid mode. It was added to later versions of the original. Depending on when your scangauge was made, it may have the hybrid mode setting. I bought mine (original not II) in late 2005 before the scanguageII came out and it is hybrid compatible. Look under MORE>SETUP>FUEL>TYPE for the hybrid setting. If not there you might contact linearLogic to see a firmware update is available.
This is actually a response to a posting you made several months ago regarding a TAS for your Prius. I have just removed a Bruno Turnout from the passenger side of my 2006 Prius and put the original seat back in. Do you still need one?