My 2 year old recently put a penny in the slot loading CD player. It shorted the speakers and made a loud Zaap sound. I heard the penny rattle around a little more, and now I don't hear it. Any way to get the penny out to see if my CD/Radio system still works? Any help greatly appreciated...
Well it's been my experience that the "ZAPP" thing is BAAAD, Egon!!! First check the FUSE that supplies power to the radio/CD unit. Look in your owners manual, it will point out the proper fuse location. If it's bad, replace. But do so AFTER you get the penny out. If your up to it, and want to try, taking the dash apart is fairly easy enough to do to get to the changer unit. From there it's a bit of more work to unplug and pull the changer. You then have to open the unit and retrieve the penny, and what ever else you didn't notice that was stuffed into the sot. While your in there, smell around for "That Burnt Electrical Smell" smell. it's quite distinct. If something let the smoke out, your gonna smell it! If you don't sell anything, take a well light look around and see if you see anything that does not look right, I.E. Blackened Spots, Broken Gear Teeth on Gear Wheels, Pieces that are bent, but they should look straight. If it smells OK and looks OK, reassemble, turn the unit on and see what you get, Radio, FM, AM, load a CD. Load OK? Play OK? If so, sigh a sigh of relief and unglue little Johnny out of the corner you stuck him in!! On the other hand, if you smell the "The Smell" , or see broken teeth, it's usually expensive and a trip to Toyota, or someone you really trust is in order! Hope you have Good Luck. Just think, it could have been worse, it could have been a Peanut Butter Samich!!! Let us know your results!!
Before you rip the dash apart, you could try a vacuum cleaner. A fresh bag and a crevice tool to increase the suction just might do the trick.
Having been on a recent hunt for a CD changer for the 2002, I can say there's an abundance of used CD changers on eBay from salvage cars. Try them first if you're willing to tear into the car before making that expensive trip to the dealer. In my case, I was able to "repair" my unit w/ a bit of superglue on the cracked gear. No penny, but my wife either got a CD stuck or forced it which cracked/broke the gear off of the eject roller spindle. Super-glued it back on (and filled the small split) and other than a clunk clunk clunk as it loads due to the one wider tooth, it works fine now. I'd imagine that even though the form factor is different, the guts will be similar in the 2004+.
Thanks, everyone, for the tips. No, I didn't see or smell any smoke. I'm hoping the penny is just making a circuit connection that is preventing sound, and that I can remove it safely. What I don't know how to do is take the dash apart to get at the CD slot loader/player. Does anyone have a link to instructions to do this??
It's been a couple years since I've gone to Prius Chat for any help. This was a very timely thread as my 2 year old daughter just used our CD player as a piggy bank a few days ago. I was able to pull a couple of coins out, and the CD player was working. But once I tried to eject a CD, the whole system went kaput. Which means I probably missed a coin. Will attempt the same procedures recommended above. Does anyone know what part of the Prius to hook the crane boom to for the shake method?
And make sure you leave the back hatch open. This way when the coins pop out of the CD Player they will fall to the ground. Thus making recovery of said coins easier. This will help offset the cost of the crane!!! Oh, and don't forget to put the hookeye back in the car when you are done. Just so you will have it for the next time!!!
I had the same thing happen to me. Disassembled the CD player and found the dime interfering with the movement of the player arm. Removed it and now the changer won't accept a new CD (hitting 'load' causes it to cycle, the proper lights flash, but it won't "pull" the CD in. Oh well... Lesson learned!
u guys are unbelievable, geeks i might add...the op is in need of help and you offer him the rediculous suggestion of turning the car on end and shaking out the coins...the easiest solution is to drive in reverse attaining warp speed until you go back in time at which time you pluck the coin from the lil guys hand
I just make it a rule that NO irresponsible children are allowed in my "Barcelona Red Baby"! Well, except for ME of course!!