The front page of the April 26, 2005 USA Today features a Nav-equipped Prius steering wheel! The story discusses whether there are enough or too many buttons on fully-equipped cars today. The story, on page 3B, features the same Prius photo with a diagram of what each steering wheel button does (except the horn). More informative than the manual! I can't recall the exact phrasing of the story's description of the MSRP of the Prius (doesn't look like the price with Nav), but it stumbled a bit.
I think they meant 16 buttons on the Prius. How can there be an odd number if the wheel is symmetric (in terms of button placement)
They said "places to mash your finger," and that could be a combination of on-off buttons that you push, and up-down rockers which offer two places to push. With the Prius design of circles split with two buttons on one half and one button on the other, the concept of equal numbers on each side can be set aside. The odd USA Today phrase was "humble — albeit fully-loaded — $26,040 Prius." Any guesses on the option package for that price? I've lost count.
Maybe an old price? Must be a #6. I thought "humble -albeit fully-loaded" was a cute description, especially when the other brands mentioned are Land Rover, Acura, BMW, Benz, and Cadillac. Go Humble Prius!
I've been in a training class all week. Most of the participants were from out of town and some showed up daily with a USAT in tow. One of the guys flipped up the paper and I looked across the table and declaired, "Hey, that's my steering wheel!"