Hi all, After a short 3 month wait, I picked up my new Tideland Pearl (which is not green, but I like it anyway) Prius just in time for my birthday - what a great present, I love it! I'm still trying to figure out how everything works, I have lots of info I found here so I'm well on my way. Anyway, here's the odd question. Over the weekend I burned my right wrist...badly enough that I need to put on a prescription antibiotic twice a day. (My husband is happy my prius has the first aid kit). I put it on just before leaving for work. By the time I got here, the cream had turned grey, something it has never done before. I had the AC on briefly and vented from the outside, my wrist would have been directly in front of the vent. I'm guessing that the air coming in is what caused the "dirt" but is this normal? I was driving on a highway here in Pittsburgh. It was right after rush hour so traffic was light. Pittsburgh air has improved considerably since the steel mills shut down 20 years ago, so air pollution here is no worse than other cities. Do you think its the air or the car, which currently has 31 miles on it and could be spewing some residual factory stuff?
First, congrats and welcome to the club! Now about that weird question. Were you able to rub the gray color away and expose any white, which would indicate that something was coating the cream? Was the cream still 'creamy?' some drug preparations can react to various factors such as having a lot of air blown on it, maybe dry out and degrade, causing the change in color. How thinly did you spread the cream? Were you able to reproduce the gray color with the air on recirc? Just a couple of thoughts. There are a lot of factors. I'm not a MD and don't have a whole lot of experience with actual prepared drugs, I'm just learning how to develop them. Maybe Doc Evan would have some insight?
Thanks for the congrats. It was a pretty thin layer that wiped right off, definitely looked like the moisture left over just picked up some dirt in the air. I don't think it was a change in the cream (silvadene) itself. I haven't experimented with the air circulation because I only got the car yesterday! I am sure this is grossing someone out - sorry! I was more interested to know if this is normal for new cars, or if its an air pollution issue, which is certainly more concerning. I wonder if run of the mill hand lotion would produce a similar result. It's nice to know what you're breathing, inside or out.
Silvadene. Sounds like it has silver in it that might oxide, much like photographic film. That would expain the gray! Yup, googled the stuff, the chemical name is SILVER SULFADIAZINE. Sulfer will definitly tarnish silver. Oh yes, one of the side effects is brownish gray skin discoloration.
sure enough, a degradation. i didn't have time to look up silvadene this afternoon (spent all day on the mass spec) but that sounds correct according to what i've learned so far. way to do DanMan! :wink:
If you want to know what is coming through the air vent into the cockpit pull the AIR FILTER out from behind the glove box and look at it. That will tell you if anything has come in from the outside. I clean mine about once a month with a vacuum and replace it every six months. I have also placed a charcoal filter under the fiber filter and the fine dirt it collects is amazing. Bob
I got that from the name. I only googled to confirm my hypothesis. As soon as I saw SILVAdene, I said "Ah HA!" By the way, I was suprised when I was playing trivial persuit with some younger kids on my old block, where the question was, what company uses the most silver? Answer: Kodak. Photography uses lots of silver. I was at the house of a photographer, playing the game with his son. Nobody else had the answer but me. That must have been at least 20 years ago. I'm getting old, and rambling off topic.
yeah, most drug names make an ingredient rather obvious. it's like they take the chemical name and make it more user-friendly. go figure. it's all marketing.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"84826)</div> You are just a walking encyclopedia DanMan, :lol: