No this was a very limited group buy initiated about 3 weeks ago over on the 2G or 2004-YG. Only 12 people and one alternate could buy besides the guy organizing and the button we all chipped in for for Wayne Brown. I don't know if Tosh will do this again as it involved getting his mom to buy the buttons over in Japan and then shipping to him and him shipping to us....lots of places for things to get screwed up. But, if you know anyone that lives in Europe or Japan, or even Australia they can probably order one for you and ship it to you here in the US, and you can organize your own group buy if you're so inclined.
Sorry xlarimer, it was an experimental group buy. Not something I can do every week. When I go to Japan next time, I will try to smuggle some more, though. Rick and Evan, thanks for the update. I sent some materials (which I sent you guys) to Wayne. Hope he will have some extra time to try this when he gets tired of working with his new NiMH... Tosh Salsa Red BC San Diego
Having a much harder time getting the connectors for the housing than I thought. Went to my local Toyota dealer and they weren't able to come up with anything based on the parts. The guy commented that they generally only order/sell entire looms. I went to a couple of auto-parts stores and an electronics store (they had ALOT of stuff, not organized though). I found something that might work, but it's a stretch. It's a 4 pole locking tab connector which I may be able to use the connectors in. Otherwise, we'll need to keep digging. FYI, insulated 0.111" female insulated spade connectors are a bt too tight and the insulation too wide to fit. Non-insuslated were very tight as well, and had so little clearance, I was concern of a short condition unless they were wrapped with electrical tape. If we could come up with the part numbers for the crimp on connectors to fit into the EV button, we may be able to order some from the dealers. -Rick
I was able to fashion a harness using some parts from another piece of electronics gear. I found a: Philmore .156 lock socket Polarized 4-position UL Part no. 70-6854 It comes with 8 metal tabs. I foobar'd 1 and used 4 in the creation of the harness. It's a near perfect fit sliding in. I put in the clip so that the retaining tab is aligned with the locking piece of plastic. The locking portion doesn't matter, but the alignment of the pin does. Once it's almost all the way in, the spring portion snaps into place. Trick is, if you push too hard, they will push out and through, however if done correctly, they shouldn't push back the way they came in. When it plugs in, the EV button contact tabs will slide over the top, however the connection is "good enough" according to my multi-meter. I've got pictures, which I'll post once I've got the rest of this done. I'm about to go out now and install the button. In the interest of "getting it done", I'm going to follow some advise from Evan/Coastal Dave and tap the 3 wires from the rheostat for the IL+ (grey), IL- (red) and ground (black/white stripe) for HV -, and then run a single wire across to HV computer. It's not the way I'd like to go about it, but unless I can get ahold of some euro EWD's, I don't have the patience to dig through hundreds of connections at two separate junction blocks "just in case". I plan on using Phone line taps (green) from Radio shack (part numbers 64-3081). They're small and designed for smaller gauged wire (I'm using 22 gauge wire - bought a 90ft spool knowing it was too much, but I also didn't know at the time where I'd be tapping 3 of 4 wires. I ended up cutting the wires for pins 1,2 and 4 to about 2 ft in length, and the wire for pin 3 (HV +) at about 7 ft. I'll let you know if I trim those. Off I go!
Got wires routed, and the button illuminates, but I'm having a hell of a time getting the pin into hole 27. I'm fairly confident that the retainer is open and that the orientation is correct (notch toward the retainer). Checking here for notes...
You have to simultaneously lift the white pin lock and push in the pin. To push the pin in you'll need a tiny jeweler's screwdriver or something similar to get it all the way in. If you read my notes you'll see that that was the hardest part for me too, it'll go though.