You don't want to get into a discussion of bunny digestion. Although, it is a good argument against 'intelligent design'. Rabbit Digestion Every 3 to 8 hours the cecum contracts and forces the material back into the colon where it is coated with mucus, then passed through the anus (looks like a clump of small brown grapes) and the rabbit eats these "cecotrophes" directly. Yuck! (See cecotrophes on left in photo below.) Fortunately, this usually happens at night. The rabbit redigests the cecotrophes to receive even more nutrients from them. It is a very important part of the digestive process and keeps your rabbit healthy!
Hmmm I wonder if the same trick would work for us humans? You gotta admit, it would cut WAY down on ... um ... waste production
Rut-roh. It was probably irresponsible of me to post that here, given the 'yellow is mellow' and bathing frequency posts.
Strangely enough, most animals, including our pets, eat a far more healthful diet than we do. Dogs and rabbits can eat their own (insert expletive here) without nearly so many ill effects as we would suffer. Which reminds me of a funny story... On our earth hour excursion, Zuli and I happened to walk by a car lot with two large nasty and very noisy dogs. They barked furiously the whole time we were in sight, and I lost my patience while standing waiting for the light to change. A subversive smirk crossed my face, and the little baggie I'd been carrying for blocks suddenly found itself sailing over the fence. They went straight for it, and were suddeny very quiet. I said to Zuli "next time those two bother you, just smile and say 'eat my (insert expletive here)' "