I do not know....maybe I'm paranoid, but I think that there are people who are out to "get" us Prius owners. I've had mine since November, and since then, someone keyed the lower panel on the drivers door, scratched the bumper, and "nicked" the top of the bumper. My wife has had hers since February, and someone backed into it enough to deform the rear bumper, but of course they didn't leave a note or anything. I live in the SUVland of Johnson County , Kansas and I don't have anything on either car that could be described as 'taunts' (personalized plates advertising mpg, political bumper stickers...or anything else). And I wonder why, in years of owning other "less efficient" cars, I never had this kind of crap happen.
No people are just rude and inconsiderate. It is not taught to youth (or some adults) to take responsibility for one's actions so they do not leave a note. My wife's Honda Civic looked like it went though WWII with all the dents, nicks, and scratches. She had someone back into her hood while in a parking lot (they had a hitch on their truck or SUV) and left a 3" dia hole in the front bumper. Then someone backed into the rear and pushed the bumper down about 2". We lived in Missouri for 3 yrs and then Kansas for 2.
My wife was sitting in a mall parking lot, talking on her cellphone when three teenage guys walked up behind the car yelling hybrids are for pussies, hybrids suck etcetera, with variations on the theme. After a few seconds of my wife wondering why they would be calling a girl a pussy and generally ignoring them, they left. This is the only instance of anti-prius sentiment we have encountered in over a year of ownership.
I really do think there is a strong anti- hybrid attitude out there. I see it both in the press, and in the attitudes of those uninformed about hybrids. I think it explains some of the misinformation going around. You would need to be a psychologist to figure it out, but personally I think there are a lot of folks out there that see hybrids as a harbinger of changing times. The old "outlaw", do whatever you want, we run the world times are over. It makes them uncomfortable to face the fact that we aren't in control of our own destiny and have to make responsible choices. Hybrids can remind people of their suppressed guilt for driving gas guzzling pollution spewing unsafe detroit SUVs. Prius' remind some people that someone made a better decision than they did. I'm fortunate to live in a fairly hybrid friendly community (Boulder CO,) and I don't feel the Prius hate when I'm near home. But when I travel to Colorado Springs or Cheyenne or places in between, I find myself cut off in traffic and generally treated rudely. Kind of like owning a foreign car in Detroit in the 70s. (How's that for an amateur analyst?)
As far as "amateur analyst" I've only had to do it twice when confronted at a parking lot. Once here in Winnipeg and once at Mall Of America. Oddly enough, in both instances the guy who started it was smaller than I was. I guess they counted on their much larger SUV to "back them up." I thought I would have to get into a "pushy pushy" with the guy in Winnipeg, the guy in Minneapolis didn't act quite that badly. Both of them blamed me personally for the high gas prices. So I had to calmly remark on my education (I suspect they were high school dropouts or worse), then carefully explain the "facts." 1. Domestic oil production peaked in 1970. 2. The "cheap" oil from the mideast isn't so cheap when you factor in all the subsidies (Constant military presence, support of terrorism, supporting brutal dictatorships, balance of payments problems, etc). Then it becomes every bit as expensive as domestic oil. 3. Our gasolene is dirt cheap compared to other Western Industrialized nations. 4. I no longer needed a pickup truck but a daily commuter car. 5. This time around, we have to compete with China and we can't: way more of them, they have more money than we do, they also have nukes, etc. 6. How many soldiers are you personally willing to sacrifice to keep the "cheap" oil flowing in the mideast? They have always backed off at that point, usually getting back into their 4x4 and peeling out of the parking lot. I have a few comments on their behavior: 1. These folks are borderline mental patients. They have serious issues. 2. They are in *serious* denial about many of their problems eg blaming random strangers for their problems. 3. Not only do we allow these nutjobs to operate heavy and potentially lethal machinery, in many places we also allow them to own firearms. If you think it's bad now, wait until a gallon of regular hits $3.50.
I honestly don't understand an anti-hybrid contingent. I mean, its a car, what is there to oppose? How can anyone think that a hybrid is responsible for gas prices is beyond me. Perhaps its a response to the radical greenies who terrorize SUVs? I doubt it, especially if they aren't bringing it up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(popsrcr\";p=\"84538)</div> These are bottom-feeders. The last thing I expect is logic and reason.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman\";p=\"84532)</div> Odd. I always though SUVs were at least partly to blame for high gas prices! I guess I misunderstood economics 101. I though they said if you REDUCE demand for a product (like oil) the price goes DOWN. :?
Tadashi, I was one of the fortunate individuals who had a note placed under my windshield after someone redesigned my rear fender in a parking lot. I was really pleased to see the note until I opened it and it read," Hope the repair costs aren't too high. Everyone who saw me do this thinks I'm leaving you my name and telephone number, well, I'm not! I bet none of them thought to write down my licence plate." ....... and they didn't.
After listening to hate talk radio for 20 years these dittoheads are numb to thinking on their own. As this phenomena seems to be taking place more in right-wing places it stands to reason theirs are the actions and thinking as a result of listening to, and following such take-no-prisoners attitudes as espoused on such shows. Trouble is, these know-nothings don't even realize how stupid they really are, or appear. I find this the scariest part of all.
Personally I think it's just the "little people in big cars" syndrome. The only way they can feel good about themselves is to bully someone "smaller" than themselves. People used to love bugging me when I drove a VW (pun intended.) A friend installed a "semi'-sized" air horn in his so he could honk back at the hasslers.
Regardless of the reason, its just bad. My opinion, I think it is more of a lack of respect than anything else. And common courtesy. Both are often in short supply.
I drive my BMW540iA on one or two of my 5 working days. I can confirm that people do like to cut me off more often when I drive Prius. I always try to keep up with the traffic as much as possible, though I am less aggressive to do so in my Prius. I believe the sentiment toward Prii would eventually subside once there are more variants of Hybrids on the road. People are afraid of changes. It is human nature.
Same problem in good old hick town Grand Rapids Mich. Guy in a Stupid Ugly Vehicle with atleast 22inch wheels yells at me and acts like he wants to fight while I am gasing the Prius. I ignore the imbred dutch BA. He walks over and sticks his chest out and say's some profanity about the Prius. I am still fuling the car. He gets closer. I pull out the nozel and proceed to spray the guy down with gasoline. The guy runs back to his SUV and drives off without paying for his gas. I got the plate. Well the girl at the counter calls the cops and they arrest him a few minutes at home for failing to pay and also give him a breathalizer. He blew a .21. He complained that I sprayed him down with . The cop just laughed at him. I would have ignited him had he attacked me. I could not stop laughing after this. It must have been his "Hunters for Bush" and "White and Proud" Bumper Sickers. You know the same type of person who joins the Michigan Militia so they can belong. My wife told the cops that he drove from the gas station. He also got a DUI. This town is screwed up. Blue
To provide a dissenting view, I have encountered no hostility from anyone in my three weeks of owning this car.
people need big vehicles to feel important. people who are confident in little vehicles that don't require spending excess money to prove status one way or the other intimidate big-vehicle people. the SUV is the new Nike shoe. ouch, if Mi is anything like Wi drunk guy at gas station is in for some serious hard times. glad you were able to show him which side of the argument has a generous supply of reason. drunk guy vs Prius driver. hm.
I have had no problems whatsoever. And I don't get challenged in public by anyone and never have. Must be that my persona is colored by the fact that I am always armed, this state was one of the few long ago that issued tons of concealed carry permits like most states do now. I got my first permit at age 21. Predators always seem to have a sixth sense about the prey, they look at me, I look back at them. We stare back at each other. No words get exchanged. They know. THEY KNOW. I park at the far end of parking lots to avoid the typical damage thatgets inflicted closer in.