Looks like a rock shattered one of my fog lamps. Does anyone know how much it will cost to have this fixed? (I will take it to the dealership). Thanks.
I've had to replace both of my "foglights" until I fashioned a clear plexi protector. Not sure why Toyota can make the headlights out of a durable plastic material, but the foglight lenses out of glass.
They're glass?? oh jeez. I don't know, but I have seen them smoking on several occasions. That's a bad thing, right?
Driving in slush/rain, especially heavy wet snow, the foglights will steam. They run quite hot. Maybe that's why they have a glass lens But the foglights on my 2000 GMC Sierra were clearly some sort of plastic material. They had plenty of nicks in them when I dumped that POS, but no cracks or holes
yeah.. very hot lol. You can't even touch the glass. The number of cracked foglight threads on PC makes me think Toyota changed the composition of the foglights on 06+ models. That or the newer owners don't run the foglights as often as the 04/05 owners lol.
Thanks much for all of the info. Another $$$$ "ouch". I think I will try and negotiate with the dealership, tell them the fog lamp is faulty for being made of glass.
I bought my used Prius with a broken foglight, so I JUST replaced it - it cost $240 Cdn + tax for the parts and labour (only 1/2 hr labour). I wasn't sure whether it was worthwhile or not, but my significant other was convinced it should be repaired, and so it was...
Hmm.. if it was cracked from the inside, get it replaced under warranty. There were a few reports of 04/05 owners with cracked foglights (use those two words in the search if you wanna find the threads). There were cracked from the inside.
Thanks for the suggestion, but at 157000 KM, the only warranties left are 3000KM on the hybrid system, and the rust through warranty...
Discovered my 06 Prius fog light broken and dealer charged $192.00 to repair(said that was 10% off). What an expense, but I was afraid the bulb would go too and cost even more. They are protected pretty well, but it must have been hit by a rock. Don't know how or when it happened.
The lens on my right side fog light is shattered, and I presume everything on the inside is toast. Not knowing any better, I bought a replacement fog light assembly at the local Toyota dealer for $ 129. I was going to install it myself. Since then I've seen complete Prius fog lights go for about $40 on eBay, and these probably include the 9006 bulb which will set you back another $25 or so. I am hesitating to install it myself since it is not a simple procedure. According to the Haynes book it requires removal of the wheel well lining and the entire splash shield, maybe even the front bumper cover. So I'm having second thoughts about replacing it at all, after all we don't have all that much fog here in Florida.