Just picked up my Prius on Saturday (04/23/05). So much to read and so little time.... Is it possible to have both the NAV map and the Energy/Consumption screen on at the same time (Split Screen?) Thanks, Wayne 05 Seaside Pearl #6
Wayne, No, it's one or the other. You can easily flip back and forth between them by hitting the info button on your steering wheel though.
Ken, Thanks for the information. I spent 1 1/2 days reading the manuals, but with all the new tech I still have a ways to go. Wayne
Ken, sounds like you have an older MFD, that may be prone to failure. The later MFDs produced at least as early as August '04 has the INFO button on the steering wheel toggle between the energy and the consumption screen. Pressing the map button more than once causes a display of your exact location in terms of street and address. You can split screen in NAV to show 2 different representations of where you are, such as north up and car direction up, but that's the only split screen iplementation there is.
So, if I understand this correctly, I can have a split NAV map screen but not map split with energy/consumtion. Thanks, Wayne 05 Seaside Pearl #6
I've become an Energy Screen prude. When not changing temperature or using another screen, my MFD is always on Energy. So it really irritates me when I need the map for long periods of time. But my wife is probably more irritated by hearing a beep every time I toggle screens.
I have a 2005, but misread his question...to toggle between the 2 info screens (energy/consumption) I hit Info. To toggle to the map I hit NAV. There's no way to get the Nav and any of the energy/consumption stuff on screen at the same time. I would have loved to have a 3rd car info screen which gave more data and less graphics...but...they didn't.