Hi everybody! I had heard so many good things, knew friends that loved their cars and finally test drove one....This was it for me...Found one on Ebay that after some research seemed like a GREAT deal....2007 package #5 for a bit over 16K. Had 30K miles....(for some reason, cars are much more expensive where I live, than in many other parts of the country) Flew to Kentucky to pick it up and am THRILLED with it so far. (have been driving it about two weeks now) It has made me a much less agressive driver as I'm so into figuring out how to get the best mileage. I think my car looks great, a beautiful sparkly red, has awesome extras on it, the Navigation system is very intuitive, (once I figured the car had to be stopped to perform several functions---haha!) Stereo system sounds very nice too. I am just so impressed w/this vehicle... Been reading these boards for the past week and all of the information is very helpful and appreciated. I hope to post pics soon. Wish I had bought one even sooner!
Congratulations! I would encourage you to check out a thread here that should help with the nuances of the car. http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-...h-dealer-told-showed-me-post-your-wishes.html
Little? You never sat in a smart car . . . or yaris . . . or honda 600 ... well, you get the idea. Maybe you talkin' about the outside dimentions. The Prius has more interior room than the Chevy Malibu, and both are mid sized. In Europe, the Prius is kinda big compared to most of the stuff driving around. anyway, welcome to PC!
Oh so true, I definitely meant the car overall, as the interior is surprisingly spacious, and so well designed. I now have my 03 Honda Pilot sitting in the driveway getting very few miles. It now feels just humongous to me I save it for when we wanna haul our two yellow labs around with us. (Even though they do fit in the Prius too, we tried it) I just wanna keep my Prius as clean as possible Girl at work has a 'smart car', although it is very "cute" it is a bit small for me feel very safe in one I think.