Well, Checker Cab (800) 300-5007 in LA has discovered the Prius. They now know what we know: it's roomy, comfortable, and economical. I got picked up at the airport yesterday by one, and I had 1 very large / heavy bag, 2 regular bags, and one small bag. It all fit in the back, with room for 3 or 4 passengers to boot. The screen said the cabbie was getting 40mpg - pretty good since he was driving like a maniac, violating every rule I know of to get good mileage. He was very unfriendly until we arrived at my house and he saw my new Prius. With a big smile, he asked if I like my car. You bet I do! Good choice, Checker!
Unfriendly, huh? For a tip... Tell him how to turn off the reverse beep (also known as "peeb"). They're always more friendly after that. What else do we wish our Prius-driving cabbies knew?
How to coast haha. I was following a cabby once through the route I take to the university (turns out he was going there too) and I could totally tell he was coasting. i.e. the no arrow technique lol.
In Boston there is a limousine service that will take you to and from the airport in a Prius. Off hand don't remember their name, but google could tell you.
last I heard Yellow cab in Vancouver has 15 Prius and North Van Taxi has 5 and the cab company in New Westminster has 6. There every where here.
Chicago cabs are screaming about the gas costs and upcoming fare increase isn't enough. They could just be proactive and get the PERFECT car for cabs incongested cities! Think of how much lower less pollution major cities would have if half the cabs were replaced with a Prius!
Frank, don't forget Coquitlam Taxi, Richmond Taxi, and Black Top & Checkered Cabs. I haven't seen any from Vancouver Taxi, Surdel, Bonnie etc.
I thought I saw a Checker Cab the other day but couldn't positivily identify it. Didn't realize that Coq and Richmond had them also. I hope more have them soon as in the long run it'll help hold down the price of a fair. Mind you as long as they still have the Priustoric ones they'll be harping for higher fares.
I am positive they have one. You can't miss an all black roof with a pale yellow bottom lol. The Coq one is silver with 17" alloys (think they're chrome but not sure). Basically, it's modded out like you wouldn't believe.
All cabs should be hybrids. period. Mostly Prii, some SUV hybrids at higher fares. Taxi engines are running non stop almost all day. Switching to hybrids will save huge amounts of gas and pollution. I think school buses should be too. They sit at schools with their deiel engines running constantly. Then they go 100 feet and stop, over and over again, with very little highway use. Perfect application for hybrids. However, that would involve giving money to the school systems, and that won't happen under this regime.
prius04, The Boston all-Prius service is PlanetTran and their Web page is very good. They quoted me $45 from Logan Airport to Harvard Square. (Yes, that's why my Prius is red.) They could probably get more with Commencement and reunions coming up. The Google search found Seth Riney, the owner of PlanetTran, in a Christian Science Monitor article about Earth Day 2004. The article spelled the company's name wrong, so searching for the owner's name was more productive.
I've posted this previously but thought I'd add it here. There are at least two cab companies in Victoria, BC which have Prii vehicle, BlueBird and Empress.
Great comment. Can I add you to my buddy list? (I really don't know what a buddy list is, but I liked your comment.) And to jimofdg, thanks for the info on planetrain.
expect to see Prius taxis along with other fleet vehicles. in the state of WA, all state vehicle fleets MUST replace their vehicles with alternative low poluting vehicles if there is a qualified vehicle to do so. that directive is why we need a good large and small hybrid pickup!!! get with it GM...that is your alley and dont give us that half-assed thing you call...whatever you call it... right now, most fleet vehicles purchased (small pickups anyway) are CNG. but those are only good for western WA since they dont have the range necessary for the eastern part of the state where distances are much greater. also, another note, i think the fleet vehicle directive is the biggest reason why many in WA need to go to Oregon to get a vehicle as my local dealer located in the state capital still claims to have a 3-4 month wait despite the fact that they were only filling fleets orders at about 25-33% on the larger orders. the shortage i think is NOT DUE TO filling fleet orders but due to the extra exposure the Prius gets in this area from state employees using the vehicles on the job. it has worked in fueling demand for this area. because i see several Priuses every day and most are new ones. (temp plates for the first month of ownership is a giveaway)
i want to use my prius as a taxi or limo not sure where to get the taxi equipment... maybe i should do a google search.
I set a bookmark for this thread. When I need to travel, I'm going to call one of the companies aforementioned, congratulate them on their hybrid fleet, and give them some business.
:idea: Good idea, Tony. Let's all commit to doing it: When you call for a cab, no matter where you are, ask for a Prius.
Yup, Vancouver tax companies have been using the Prius since 1998. http://www.shared-vision.com/2005/sv1802/l...etters1802.html http://john1701a.com/prius/owners/andrew.htm http://cars.about.com/cs/familysedans/a/hy...rid_explain.htm
At this writing, Toyota dealers have a waiting list for the Prius. Still, it would appear that you've much to gain, as has mother earth, if you buy one. It's those stubbon old mules in the automobile journalist community for whom high performance is the Holy Grail, that may end up looking like jackasses. I like this line
Bus service is often not part of the school system. it is often contracted with outside companys. and now that obama is president it should be no problem just print more money