Does anyone know if the Prius emits any type of electric emissions a la cell phone that people who worry about those things might need to be concerned about?
Jack, You betcha. Like your TV, microwave oven, PC, alarm clock, you, your cat, the electric lines in your home and office and.... Granted, they differ in frequency, amplitude, bandwith, etc., you can't escape them. The sun is pretty big emitter, too. I don't put cell phones up to my ear..usually.. and I'm a retired cell phone designer kinda guy. If your question is about saftey, I wouldn't worry about.....yet. If I missed your drift, my apologies... Best! ps. My blue baby is supposed to be in this Thursday! Can't wait....doh!!
At some level all electronic devices emit. If you are worried about active transmissions, the SKS system is in some kind of communication between the car and the FOB. The rearview mirror with Homelink would also have to have some kind of active transmitter to open your garage door. Glenn
Yes, but unless you're standing in front of the tower, your exposure to that power is a tiny percentage. Attila had noted an electromagnetic field along the path that the high voltage cables run, which is along the driver's side under the car, which he thought was excessive. I tend to doubt it is.