I have a black 2006 Prius with the guidance system. I think it would be hilarious if I could get it to say "Hello, Alex." whenever it starts up. It talks to me all the time so surely it's possible somehow? Anyone ever heard of anything like this being done or have an idea on how it could be attempted?
I've found the Nav woman to be somewhat passive-aggressive. For example, she once told me to stay left on the freeway in San Diego, when we needed to take the next right to the zoo. I'd be careful about starting a personal relationship with that woman. :madgrin:
I want my nav system to say, "Oi stupid, you missed the turn, chuck a U-ee." Wouldn't that be good for my self esteem?
MMmm.... "Would you like to play a game of thermonuclear war?" Why, yes, I would. "Please select coordinates from your GPS - I'm sorry, you must be in park before selecting coordinates..." (and if you don't have one of the GPS packages...), "I'm sorry, Dave, I cannot do that right now" (meanwhile, the red eye of the MFD staring malevolently at you....)
Actually, what I REALLY want is the external sound system for the Prius that was a Youtube hit a while back. The "Jetsons" sound would be funny...., or the Chevy Chase Nnn, nuh nuh nuh sound...
Better results can be acheived by addressing the computer in an authoritarian tone, such as "M5, tie in."
Well, let me refine my question... :focus: I figure a work around for this would be to just burn a CD that has a voice saying "Hello, Alex" at the start. It seems to automatically play the CD when the car starts so that would be fairly easy to control. My new question then is: has anyone synthesized the Prius Lady's voice into a computer program online? Or the knight rider voice (K.I.T.T.)? :rockon:
One thing I really like about the Nav is that it just tells me what to do to correct a mistake. No emotional overtones, cussing, etc. Nice.