Im pretty sure now I understand why I previously asked if there is 3D Birds eye view in the NAV as I remember seeing a picture must have been a EU spec car ! seems we will not get that here then and this explains the numerous DVD discs.
I forgot to use the sarcasm flags. An automotive Nav system without streets would be pretty silly. My intention was simply to poke fun at all the complaints about the factory Nav system. Tom
You are a piker. My wife is 5"4" and I am 6'4" We now have an S-Model Mercedes with all the bells and whistles except the available radar. I rejected it because it had a cruise control function where you could set the following distance to the car ahead. I could see if you were on a multi-lane highway cruseing allong 400' behind and someone pulled in between your car would slam on the brakes and you would be rear-ended. Toyota has done the Prius radar much more sensibly.
Oh I wasn't talking about street names lol. I meant that on my TomTom, it would actually show an image of a typical highway sign (which would be green with a white border here) and the exact text in addition to the normal navigation directions (the one with the arrow and the exit number) ahh... well it would be nice if Bird's Eye View made it over here. I forgot to check at LA.