My Prius is acting weird today. I do NOT have SKS, and I use my FOB to lock/unlock the car, and to start the car by inserting the FOB into the.... uhm... hole? Anyway, when I hit the lock button, all the doors lock, and then the driver's door unlocks. The 3 doors remain locked, except the driver's door. Any suggestions? If I hit the lock button about 3 or 4 more times then it will stay locked. Usually, I have to open the driver's door and then shut it again a few times. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I can't stand to think my car may unlock itself all willy nilly. Edit: by "lock button" I mean on the FOB. If the door is open, and try to use the lock button on the door, the lock won't even go into the lock position.
All doors are shut, otherwise the doors won't attempt to lock at all. Can you explain the light switch idea?
My suggestion is that you visit your local dealer and have the problem fixed. Maybe you have an intermittent wiring harness connection.
Couldn't replicate the problem at the dealership. Before I took it over, I hit the lock button over and over. Then after about the 20th time, it worked fine. I guess I unjammed it. They said there were no codes showing either. Hmmm. I'll keep my eye on it.
I had a similar issue show up at the dealership where I work. The rear hatch was only partially closed. It latched tight enough to no open but would not allow the car to lock. If the condition reoccurs, try checking for the door ajar light on the dash. If it remains on, you may have a door switch acting up.
If any doors are ajar, the car will not even attempt to lock. No lights, no thing at all. Nothing was ajar, the driver's lock just wouldn't budge. All the other doors locked fine. All seems well for the moment.
That happened to me once. No door ajar lights; car was turned off etc but wouldn't lock. Finally I re-shut each door in turn and tried it. Finally when I opened and shut the rear hatch it started working OK again. Sometimes you just have to try something and see if it works.
Once again. I'm not sure people are reading my original post, or if I'm not being clear. 1. In your scenario, the locks will not attempt to lock. No lights, no motors, nothing will happen. If any door is ajar at all, nothing will happen. that is not my scenario. 2. My scenario was: ALL DOORS ARE CLOSED, and I hit lock on the FOB. All 4 door lock motors engage, locking 3 doors, but leaving the drivers door locked. In this process the lights flash once when I would hit the button, and then the lights would flash again, and you can hear the driver's door motor trying to lock again. So (you have to imagine sound here ) you would experience, button press, flash/motors, silence, flash/motors. Since last weekend, I haven't had any problems, until last night. Same thing happened. I just had to hit lock a few time (inside the car) before the lock would lock. I just appears the lock is getting stuck. sidenote: Sorry if I am appearing rude, I'm not trying to be. I do understand the very sheer basics of how to unlock and lock my car.
Rxmxsh, it may be a linkage problem with that door. Since you can hear the door attempt to lock/unlock, I suspect the linkage is hanging up. You will have to remove the inside door panel to access the linkage to see what's going on.
So now I have to use my key to enter the car. It won't lock or unlock via remote. You can hear the motor trying and see the lock trying to move. I have an 8:00am appointment at the dealer tomorrow (Saturday 4/18).
I remember reading a post on the forums where someone had a weird problem like this. I don't know if it was the same or not. But the problem was the (mechanical) lock itself. They had to lubricate the internal linkage, I think. After this, it operated correctly. If the lock doesn't complete its "throw" correctly, possibly the car senses this as though someone is trying to "open" the lock manually, and the door automatically unlocks again.
Hello Rx: I just found a post that may relate to what I was remembering. But I thought that the lubrication had been done, and that it fixed the problem. So it may not be the exact post: Best wishes,
The last post seems to be my problem spot on. Luckily, my car is under warranty still, though I think I'm almost out. We'll see what the dealer says tomorrow.