ShamWow soaks up everything well and leaves a nice sheen. They should have used on their faces before the mug shots were taken.
In spite of the sleazy advertising image, the product really does the job as advertised. I purchased similar products years ago, but Sham-Wow seems to absorb more liquid - faster.
I'm tempted to believe that Vince's spokesperson days may be waning. Just reiterates my belief that when you've got a good thing going you have to work to not screw it up. How many endorsements have been lost due to "indescretions"? I'm thinking 'Phelps' here.
It's the same old story, best expressed by Robin Williams: "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." :cheer2:
That's why I work hard to keep my success level somewhere just above mediocre. That way I don't have far to fall if I screw it up. Tom