Article in LA Times re. 2010 prius mileage and potential affect on oil imports. At 50 mpg, the 2010 Toyota Prius is a game changer - Los Angeles Times Carl
Re: LA Times article I especially liked the comment, "But what if we were to continue allocating $46 billion annually to the U.S. Department of Prius?" He makes some very good and logical points here. Too bad our fearless representives in Government cannot tie their shoes without someone showing them.
Re: LA Times article Interesting article in the LA Times by Dan Neil. Except for the error contained in the specification summary, where the battery pack is referred to incorrectly as lithium-ion. Also I had to smile when I read his reference to the "complex helical-gearset getting even more complicated" with the reduction gear for the traction motor. Industry has only been making gearsets of this kind for centuries, refining the machining along the way. Numerical control of the machining process now makes their manufacture almost routine. Plus the Prius transaxle is simplicity itself when compared to a 5 or 6 gear automatic transmission. Eventually these motoring reviewers will gain enlightenment, but it is like pulling teeth. I don't think there's any hope for the likes of Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) however!
Re: LA Times article Mr. Neil made some other interesting comments. Here's one: "Considering that the interior comprises a lot of fairly lightweight, nay, flimsy feeling panels, the little hybrid surrey is summarily hushed and quiet." I haven't personally seen the 2010 of course, but if it's like the 2009, I would take objection to that comment. Maybe I'm just used to driving products from the "big three" for work and personal use, but I would have to say that the interior of my 2009 is among the most solidly contructed of any that I've recently driven. And I personally find my 2009 to be very quiet inside for the size of the car. What do those of you say who may have had a chance to either drive a 2010 yourself or know someone who has?
Re: LA Times article Yea, Frank, the whole tone of Dan Neil's article was supercilious, but partly that seems to be his writing style. I agree his comment about "flimsy feeling panels" was ridiculous. One of the ways to improve MPG is by saving weight, and Toyota has emphasized that in the Prius, but not at the expense of sufficient structural rigidity where it matters.
Re: LA Times article Well this is what LA Times said: Toyota says that the new Prius is more fun and sportier. And no, I don't know what they are smoking. The car feels like the same humble, humming people pod, only lacquered with a bit more confidence and esprit. I am eagerly waiting to drive it as well since I find that no matter what many reviewers and 'experts' have to say its all subjective. The Insight got the Cnet editors choice, and reviewers are saying its a 'fun to drive hybrid' but I couldnt stand it personally and cut the test drive short so.......... its all in the eye of the beholder.
Re: LA Times article He may not have gotten each specific fact correct, but I think he put his writing thumb right where it belongs -- in the face of foreign oil importers.
Re: LA Times article Personally, I find my Prius fun to drive every time I step into it. In the end it is a matter of how you want to define "fun".