Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 was released not long ago . . . a security update. That had me poking around on the Firefox Extensions page where I noticed a newish extension called Adblock . . . It’s now #2 on the most popular list. I can see why. Just get rid of the ads or advertisers you wish to never see again! What a concept. Real life should be this good! Zap! You're gone.
I have been using FF since last fall (?) and love it. But it won't work with TIS at work so I still use IE for that. Another Extension that I have besides Adblock is Tab Browser Preferences. Since you can load many tabs, with this you can flip thru the tabs you are surfing by just rolling the curser over the tab and it changes. Very handy, :wink:
I've been using Firefox since it was in beta, and I don't seem to be plauged with spyware/adware. The Adblock extension is great - spend 15 minutes "loading" it up and I very rarely see any ads. Another extension I got is "IEVIEW" - if a website doesn't "play well" with Firefox, simply right click on the page and select "view this page in IE". An explorer window opens up to the same page.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rick57\";p=\"83351)</div> Rick, it works with TIS for me just fine. The only issue is that you have to make pop-ups allowed for that site. To do that just log onto TIS, when your pop-up doesn't open there'll be a little folder with a red star thing on the bottom right of the on that, add TIS as an allowed site, reload the page and you're up and running. I use it at home all the time.
. . . And then you are back to being vulnerable to all kinds of netcrap because you opened IE! Out of principal, if a website requires me to only use IE, I will not fire-up IE and revisit that site . . . . no matter how convenient a Firefox extension makes it to do so. If these website admins don’t see a drop in their visitor numbers because of the rising popularity of Firefox and the other non-IE browsers, they will not feel motivated to change their websites to W3C compliance. This holds especially true for commerce sites. If they don’t see a drop in their sales numbers, why bother changing? The last website I ran into problems with in trying to place an order with Firefox was Costco. It wasn’t any exclusive item I could only get from Costco online . . . but I could not make it to the checkout. On the phone their tech support dude said, “Oh, that’s your problem . . . you are using Firefox and not IE.†I replied with, “No, I am using Firefox and not IE . . . that is YOUR problem.†He then said, “Just because a few people want to use a boutique browser doesn’t mean our programmers are going to rewrite all the software.†I asked, “Is that a directive from your Board of Directors or a mandate from the Stockholders? . . . Don’t bother trying to answer, just cancel my online account and remove my email address because I will look upon any email from Costco as spam if I can’t order from your site without the hazards of using IE.†He abruptly said, “hold on, I will transfer you to my manager.†I went through kind of the same exchange with the manager, but he said that he uses Firefox at home and wishes Costco would change too . . . but that they wouldn’t as long as customers are willing to start-up IE to place the order. Gerrrrrrr!!!! :x I’m sure IEVIEW works wonderfully, after all it is Mozilla - but isn’t that just making it a little easier to help perpetuate the evil empire’s strangle hold? . . . which by the way stifles a lot of advancements, change and creativity on the net, thereby forcing these sites remain IE only compliant.
I did the same test, KCPrius, when I first downloaded FF. I picked 5 sites to go to and link from. I used each browser, IE and FF, then ran my AdAware program. Had nothing with the FF and over 10 ( don't remember total ) with IE. I use FF for all browsing except work since I haven't gotten FF to play well with TIS ( Toyota main site for dealers ) yet. I really like the fact you can pull up multiple sites in one window, no pop-ups and no ad/spyware. But from what I have read it is safe now due to the small numbers of users and it isn't being noticed much by the ones who would like to make our life a nightmare. The more FF gains users, the more it will be noticed.
I beg to differ with those points of view you read saying that Firefox is safe for now because it has less users. 1) Firefox is open source. Anybody, including you and I, can download and look at the code from which Firefox is made. IE on the other hand is closed source . . . only Microsoft knows what is in there . . . and even they aren’t sure exactly what all the parts are, or why or what they are doing there. If there were anything untoward placed in the code of Firefox, thousands of programers around the world would scream bloody murder. Who knows what’s in IE??? Since black hat hackers also have access to the Firefox code, if there were lots of easy hacks to be had, we would see the exploits! 2) IE is an inseparable part of the Windows operating system. Hack into an IE vulnerability and you are in the OS itself. Firefox is a stand alone component. 3) The average Firefox user is a much more advanced user, and holds their browser to a much higher standard than the average Joe who uses IE . . .#1) because it was just there and are lazy . . . or #2) because they don’t know any better. 4) Firefox is built on much newer - and much less bloated - code work. If there is a vulnerability found in Firefox, it is much easier to fix. Micro$$$ must worry if the fix to an IE exploit is going to decompose the OS, Word, Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Bob, etc. Firefox 1.0 has only been out since November, and already they are up to FF1.0.3 mainly to take care of security issues. There are still problems with IE6, which was released in 2001, for which Microsoft can not fix . . . least they break the OS or kill required functionality. Micro$$$ says they are going to release a beta version of IE7 this summer. I wonder if this means they changed their stance on only making the new IE versions available with purchase of a new OS? I think it’s vapor ware (it’s Micro$$$’s style) . . . “Just be patient there Joe Public, we are going to come out with something real sooooooon which is much better than that other yucky program . . . that other program is baaaaaaad.†Truth be told . . . I bet it’s final release will probably be with Longhorn . . . whenever that sliding scale finally stops. 2007? :roll: :lol:
Hope you are right Patrick and the info that I see is printed is wrong. What ever IE goes to, I think I will stick with FF. I have gotten used to it and enjoy using it now,
Rick, As we all know -at least I hope we all know - the act of printing a statement never makes that statement true and correct. If that were the case, I would never have bought a Prius. There seems to be more bad printed regarding the Prius than good. One must also consider the source . . . and the source for a lot of Firefox bashing is Micro$$$$’s PR goons . . . much the same way many of the misconceptions regarding the Prius emanates from GM. Glad to hear you are a FF convert. . Competition is good. Firefox is scaring M$$$ to the point that they have now re-maned their IE department to make improvement in the browser after eight long years of stagnation. Now it is their turn to try to play catch-up . . . but their browser people have already hinted that tabbed browsing won’t be a new feature for IE.
I think that if IE suddenly incorporated tabbed browsing, it would be interpretted as a copying tactic. While this would seem a little commonplace for M$ (think Windows vs. Apple OS; think drop-down menus vs. Xerox PARC; think multi-tasking vs. OS/2) it would be equally as obvious. The problem with a NEW version of IE, in my opinion, is that when a new M$ software is released, it's followed shortly by a slew of bug fixes, security patches, and mysterious updates.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer\";p=\"83991)</div> Well, just a couple of corrections here... 1. Apple was the one that copied Xerox when they started their Macintosh project. Apple has never been adverse to stealing ideas. 2. Microsoft actually worked on OS/2 for quite some time. A lot of that code was written by the same programmers that then wrote NT. OS/2 was a joint project between Microsoft and IBM which was meant to replace MS DOS in the IBM PC. 3. Multitasking was available on the Commodore Amiga before OS/2 was available...and Commodore wasn't the first. 4. Mozilla most certainly didn't "invent" tabbed windows...they too have been around for quite some time. This isn't meant as a defense of Microsoft or IE (I use Firefox), but let's not rewrite history.
OH POOH! You're no fun. We're living in the present here and who controls the preset controls the past. I say we rewrite the past to validate our arguments and create a better future. After all, in the end, everyone loves Big Brother.
some recent info that has come out over the IE verses mozilla/firefox debate. it now appears that IE has less weaknesses than the mozilla platform according to some sources last year. i still find it difficult to trust IE after years of unfullfilled promises and its apparent that neither really offer any more security than the other. and mozilla still has the advantages of being a better browser anyway. the ad-blockers, multi-tab system is enough to convince me to stay with mozilla. )
Given that IE allows ActiveX Controls to be run, and Firefox doesn't, I find this very difficult to credit.
well actually there is a caveat to that. to eliminate the problems, simply upgrade to version 1.77... cant help but notice that IE vunerabilities are not as easy to fix.
Yup -- as you've pointed out before, Dave, all those direct IE connections into the Windows security system make it considerably more vulnerable.
that is the problem. a vunerability is discovered in mozilla and 3 months later an entire re-write of the browser cures the problem. in IE, the problem isnt the holes in the system, its the role the browser plays as part of the OS instead of being an independent add on as it should be. the fact that fixes come down much more slowly in IE is also another factor to consider
Question: Where did you read that there was a complete re-write of Firefox? You mean 1.0.3? (Or are you referring to an older Mozilla incarnation?)
mozilla version 1.7.7 solves all the vunerabliities mentioned in the article mentioned i would have to assume that since firefox is developed parallelly...hmmm... ya well you know what i mean, then the latest version of Firefox would have addressed and solved the same issues. mozilla is only Firefox with all the bells and whistles added on or conversely, Firefox is Mozilla stripped down to bare browser... at least that is how i understand them to be.