My Emergency Backup Love Robot is powered by a chainsaw motor. Handy when the power goes out during a storm, and when you're camping way out in BFE Bud-bud-bud hun-hun-hun sputter-sputter RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Yes, beens. They are similar to beans, but in the past tense, which is what methane is: beans in the past tense. Tom
It's the only reliable method I have to deal with doofusses and zealots. Oh sure, I could just use my fists, but that only works once, they you're in jail with a serious assault charge ... doofus people and zealot people have rights too
Using my fists was never really much of an option for me - I'm built more for speed - so I use my brains instead. I've talked my way out of risky situations, and made more than one strongman look weak-minded. But I have to admit it would be tempting to beat some sense into people instead.
This thread was never on any rails. This thread is sort of like Fred's itself: You can take it wherever you like. Good one! I, too, have always talked my way out of trouble (except when intentionally digging my way into trouble). The littlest kid on the block could have beat me up. I lack the strength, the skill, and the courage to fight. I can run farther than most 60-year-olds (3 miles) but not fast enough to escape a determined assailant. But I am quite convinced that nobody ever became any more intelligent by virtue of having been beaten up. They may become angry, or they may become scared of you and keep their mouth shut in your presence, but that does not mean they're more intelligent. Just more wary.
I'm lucky to have both. I *always* use my brains first, the meathooks come later. Sometimes, the transition is pretty quick!
That model is currently in rework. A minor buffer overflow error had horrific consequences for the volunteer .... um .... "tester" Rest assured the rework will include specific protection against that sort of horrific consequence
:eyebrows: Why "soitainly" it is! And we're pretty sure none of the defective models were shipped that could cause horrific consequences if that buffer overflow error happens
Utoh, Jayman. You might want to ixnay on the lectric eepshay: Vacuum sex act draws 90-day sentence - Criminal weirdness-
I sure hope that car wash vacuum is getting counseling. In the meantime, anybody wanna buy 397 lectric eepshay?
It had to be Michigan. What I can't figure out is how it could be indecent exposure when Capt. Winkey is flailing up a hose? Was someone inside the hose to see? What if he had simply run the hose through an open window into his car? It's a good thing they didn't have a sound file to go with that report: "WWWWWwwwwwwSqueeeeeveeeeeemirrrrveeeeeeFPFPFPFPFPFP" Tom
Speaking of lectric eepshay ... If you're the kind of person who easily poops their pants from laughing too hard, go to the bathroom BEFORE you watch the video