I've done the EV modification with the OEM EV swicht on my Prius 2006. It seems to work but I've no idea when the system is on there is no Indash light confirming EV mode, is it normal on the 2006 model? I know that there is an indication in the dash, but may be there is no light or LED behind??? I follow the steps indicated in the procedures found over the internet, for the 2006 type. Maybe the EV light in the dash lit only with the dash of 2004-2005? (They change some light indicators in the 2006 model! Could someone knows what to do to solve this problem???? Thanks Roger
Nope, no light or indicator. Sometimes it can be hard to tell, but with time you can sort of figure it out 95% of the time.
I should add...there is an audible indicator. If you hear one beep when you hit the button it USUALLY (I've had exceptions) goes into EV mode and stays there (in the exceptions it tried to go in but kicked out). When entering EV fails and when EV cancels you get 3 quick beeps.
Thank you for your fast reply! I get these 3 beep when the system desactivate the EV mode and sometimes I get a reading on the multifonction Display saying that the EV mode can not be activate. But for the 1 beep ON status I could not say if it beep or not on activation! If you look in the dash, at the left of the digital speed indicator below the seat belt indicator (or close to that area) there is an indicator name EV...nobody found a way to make it lit????
if your MFD is on the consumption or navigation or audio screen and you engage EV mode it should switch to the energy monitor, if not then it is not in EV mode.
I know all this, my EV button work fine, when I push it ON the multifonction display react and tell it. Sometimes for some reason there is a line telling that the EV mode can not activated and this is Normal (There is also the 3 beeps when the system desactivate it). But my main concern is : There is an European and Asiatic version that was provided with this EV mode swicht and I asked myself why they provided an EV Icon in the instrument panel in the dash?? Does the Euro and Japan model, this EV icon illuminate when the EV mode is depressed? Do we do something to hack to make that in-dash EV icon works???? Thanks
I understand what you're asking..and yes, there probably is some way to hack it. But someone here, somewhere, once took apart a US dash and we're missing a circuit panel part that allows that icon to light up. So it would take a bit of fancy electronics work to do it. And, to this point, nobody's gone to that much effort. If I were a betting man I'd guess that nobody will with the 2010 coming out soon.
I did some tests with the circuit board but could not get any results. I still have the wires ran to the board but I have given up on trying to get it to work. We really need a schematic from Japan or another country that has the EV LED to see if it can work on the NA Prius. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-m...merican-electric-vehicle-indicator-light.html
FWIW, the EV mode info is available via the CAN data, but I don't know if anyone's figured out a way to display it with the Scan-Gauge. As mentioned previously it is indicated with CAN-View.
Since you are a member for much longer than me, Did someone on this forum have a contact with european member that could provide me some information about this topic. I am an electronic technician who would like to do modification but in my Toyota repair manual I did not find any information about this EV icon indash led. Thanks
During your test, when you stripped your Prius dashboard, did the green pcb (that you picture showing LED303 and others) is part of the digital speedometer or it is separate? Did you tried to solder the missing surface mount parts (3) with the diode,led and resistor (average value like other LED) and check if, when the parts are present it send an information to the ECU and react at the EV mode swicht? Do you have other pictures of your project? Thanks