I get so confused thinking of seasons SOUTH of the equator Much simpler up here, we have two seasons: snow :smow: And Evil Black Fly We need a smilie for Evil Black Fly
How about a small welt and a trickle of blood. We get black flies too. I call them "flying teeth". How can anything that small bite so hard? Tom
Although I don't believe in such things, black flies truly are evil and satanic flying monsters. The image of fangs with wings would be a good smilie I have a screened gazebo perched atop the deck, otherwise in summer I'd die from blood loss
Ever seen the NFB short called 'Black Fly in Ontario'? At one point they don masks and fins to chase their quarry under water. It's hilarious. Quite unlike the real life version, and their wicked mosquito cousins. Um, speaking of under water, Jayman, how's the flood so far? Are you on high enough ground to escape water levels higher than 1997? Next time you're out this way, check out the Gulf Islands. It's a wonderful place to retire.
I'm on high ground. I'd have to drive 50 km west of where I live right now to even see such waters A couple years ago I took a drive near reported flood waters. This was by a community called Landmark They closed that road about an hour later, a car was swept off. Fortunately the emergency crews were nearby in anticipation, and quickly got the couple out of their car Talking about snow tonight and tomorrow. I was tempted to take the 6 sandbags out of the back of my FJ, and even to take the winter tires off my vehicles. Meh, better wait a few more weeks
We just celebrated the Vernal Equinox. 1) Equinox means "equal night" so that the photoperiod is growing longer and the night period shorter. The duration of each changes the quickest around the Equinoxes (6+ minutes per day at 37°N). 2) We were able to balance 144 raw eggs (in the uncracked shell) on end in the northern hemisphere (actually eggs have nothing to do with seasonal change and can be balanced any day anywhere). 3) The length of the shadow of the flagpole at solar noon was identical to the shadow length on the Autumnal Equinox (21 September). 4) Bud break is occurring on all grape vines and most trees. 5) Student hormones are up and students appear to have more energy and be more active. 6) The sun rose due east and set due west. The arc of travel will now be higher in the sky until the sun sets to the northwest and rises to the northeast. Day time shadows are shortening. The subpolar jet stream appears to be contracting toward the Arctic and away from the Equator, bringing fewer winter type storms to the midlatitudes.
I think 'high ground' must be a relative term. From my perspective, there isn't any East of the rockies.
Snow in March? Don't be silly. That's only for the...uh...'higher' elevations. Ok, I catch your drift.
Around 5 inches on the ground at 4:30 this morning. Looks like another 2 inches since ... quite the nice blizzard we have out there
Only 45 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes until school's out. Yes! It's close enough to start the count down!
That's 800 feet and counting. I just saw something on the science channel where the the Great Lakes region is still rebounding from the loss of the glaciers, to the tune of an inch per year. In about 53,700 years we'll be as high as Denver. I'm at 800 feet too, so I guess I'm as safe as you, although I'm a whole lot closer to Chicago...would get all the fleeing rats, should it really flood. My oak tree still has last years leaves on it, I'm patiently waiting for them to drop. But my grapes are starting to have visible buds. And the daffodils and such are poking up thru the mulch. And my son wants a new bike and a trampoline, and we just got him some baseball accessories.