Re: First driving impressions from cnet I don't think you could call that a fair review - old Wayne seemed a bit negative from the off really. Don't care what the press say - I know I still want one !
Re: First driving impressions from cnet What a goof. Still "wobbly". Based on what? Did Toyota really not let anyone go on a freeway? No recognition of the cutting edge nature of the AT stuff. No recognition of the improvements to the interior. Got the mileage numbers wrong. Hope the real journalists do a better job than this. Oh, and they broke the embargo. Real professional! I'm not a cheerleader or zealot normally, but this is just worthless.
Re: First driving impressions from cnet Besides being a complete idiot, these guys jumped the gun, unless they're using GMT or Japan time for their 3/25 calculation. His level of knowledge reveals itself when he points out the batteries are still "nickel-cadmium". It should also be noted that his profile is "bimmer_driver". I'll say that I disagree w/ the assessment, but will say no more till 8am PST tomorrow.
Re: First driving impressions from cnet It also says lacks a USB port or iPod integration for the audio system. But I do remember seeing an Ipod integration under the hand rest. unless Im mistaken but im pretty sure I saw it.
CNET Insight review.;lst
Re: First driving impressions from cnet Guess we know he didn't drive the Prius V. Winter Grey looks fairly good in the sun. Still flat but not as bad as indoors. Also, I recall the media saying that they think the Energy Monitor is a gimmick and will go away after hybrids become popular and familiar. Now that they moved it, they're crying for the loss of it on the main LCD?
AutoblogGreen posted their driving impression and the results of the fuel economy challenge. Amazing numbers 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS MEDIA "BEAT THE CHIEF" FUEL ECONOMY CHALLENGE FINAL RESULTS