Looking for input on value of CA HOV stickers on used Prius. Toyota salesperson told me $3-$4k. Anyone have anecdotal or actual experience selling/buying a Prius with HOV stickers? Thanks for the quick response.
I'd be curious to find out - my dad has a set that he's never installed on his 2006, and probably never will as he'll never drive that far alone to where he'd need the HOV lane. I've encouraged him to give them back so that someone who actually CAN use them has a fair chance. He wanted to install them on his 2010 when he gets it, but I advised him that the stickers were bound to the car for which they were assigned. His thought was that nobody checks anyway. Greedy much?
Somehow, I doubt that would work. I presume DMV has simply stopped the new-issuance machine. And he won't use them on that car either! But you're correct; if he were caught, he probably faces more than a carpool-violation fine.
Look to see what they are selling at on Craigslist.org - look for one that disappears off the list - some stay on forever- charging too much. Also make certain you have that little slip of paper from the DMV that shows you have the rights to the sticker- to give to the new owner.
BTW, I like the name "interocitor." From "This Island Earth" with Rex Reason, Faith Domergue, and Jeff Morrow. Always wanted to build one.
Dr. Cal Meacham: This isn't paper, it's some kind of metal! [reads] Dr. Cal Meacham: "Iterociter incorporating planetary generator. Iterociter with voltarator. With astroscope." Joe Wilson: Here's something my wife could use in the house. An "iterociter incorporating an electron sorter." Dr. Cal Meacham: Oh, she'd probably gain 20 pounds while it did all the work for her. You know, Joe, according to this, there's no limit to what it can do. Laying a 4-lane highway at the rate of a mile a minute would be a cinch. Joe Wilson: Cal... maybe we've been working too hard. Dr. Cal Meacham: "Complete line of iterociter parts, incorporating greater advances than hitherto known in the field of electronics." What exactly is an iterociter? Joe Wilson: I don't know, and I don't want to know. Dr. Cal Meacham: Well, I do. I want to know what it is and what it does. Order the list of parts on these pages. Buy the way, make sure it can power a Prius! Dammit Jim, I'm just a Doctor not a iterociter tech!
Yep, the original :rockon: ... NOT Mystery Science Theater 3000. Scared me to death when I first watched it as a tiny tyke Down with the evil Zagons ...