Hello I have searched here and out on the web and have not found any feedback on the OEM Toyota Ipod Interface Kit. I just bought an 09 Touring #6 and this is really the only thing I want to install but have found conflicting feedback that it will not work on the JBL system. I think this may only be an issue for Toyota JBL systems with built in XM which ours does not. Anyways, I am just wondering if anyone has this installed on a 2008 or 2009 Prius with the JBL system. If so: does anything get displayed on the MFD and does it sound and work ok. I have to assume that the steering wheel controls will advance the track. I usually just shuffle a big playlist so navigating by artists etc is not a big deal for me. I know there are other options available like Dice and Vais but I would prefer to use OEM when possible assuming the price is not crazy and the functions are similar. Thanks
I installed a Dice unit on my 2008 and it works great. The steering wheel controls allow volume + advance forward or backword functions. The Nav. audio displays both the song name + artist. I keep my Ipod on shuffle all the time.
i too would love a user walkthrough of how the oem ipod interface kit works with the prius, esp how it handles phone calls if you have a package 1 or 2, you know, without bluetooth.
I had to pull the DICE unit out since it crashed my MFD. Others have had this issue as well and I learned that it was the DICE unit that was the problem. I too am interested in knowing the features available on the Toyota brand iPod interface.
I just bought a base model with no options except the iPod interface. It works fine with my iPhone (the phone complains and asks if you want to turn on flight mode) and charges it. The steering wheel controls will control volume and track forward and back. I am pretty sure the shuffle settings on the MFD engage shuffle on the iPhone. What I do not get is the track name and such. It basically acts like it's a CD in a CD changer.
On the audio screen, with the iPod selected as the audio source, the layout will look like it thinks it's a CD changer. There was a button labeled 'track' or 'title' or something. It is intuitive, I just wasn't intuitive when I was looking at it the first couple times! I'll clarify after I look at it in a couple hours when I drive home for the night.
Thanks for the feedback. Once it gets a little warmer around my area, I will be purchasing and installing the kit. I am sure it will work with the JBL system the same as the non-JBL radio.
Title. It's the Title button on the Audio screen on my MFD. It will go back to the default CD changer screen after the iPod is disconnected and the car is turned off.
It was $199 listed on the options when I bought my car. Not sure what they'd charge for the part and install after POS. I can attest it works well. Though I will reroute the cable so that it comes out in the cubby under the stereo. That area should be more convenient for attaching my iPhone rather than having to lean over and open the glove box every time I get in and out of the car.
i installed it under the head unit and it is a better location than a glove box any day. lots of clearance behind it to sneak the cable. however...the oem integration kit+iphone=terrible. i dont know about the dice or any other unit but MAN finding any music to listen to sucks. i use the tune dial to blindly search for music, does not pick up where the ipod is so i can't search for music on that. podcasts dont work even though it is a dedicated button on the screen. shuffle only works on the whole ipod instead of a playlist. nothing shows up on screen other than the 6 play options (playlist, artist, podcast, shuffle all) so you can't shuffle within a playlist. can't access the genius playlist. doesnt play phone calls through speakers like i was led to believe. i use a bluetooth headset to talk and the friggin ipod will start playing during a call even though a caller doesnt hear it, it pipes in through my jawbone. i didnt even think this was possible but there it is. 100% terrible. i regret not just keeping my aux cable. i'm currently shopping for a 120gb ipod to just leave in the cubby at all times to leave my iphone out of this cursed cable business or i'll say to heck with my investment and go back to the aux cable.
anywho. anybody have a manual or anything? maybe it works better than i've found...but i really do doubt it.
Hi Guys, Been Looking Online for the PT545-00082 (Toyota's iPod interface part number), and found that it cannot work with Primium sytems with sat radio. true?