Just bought a 2001 last week. It has 120K miles with a new transaxle. I like it a lot so far. 43 mpg overall, but usually get 50 ish per trip to work. My question regarding the B engine braking... Is that the best way to get regenerative braking? I have heard seemingly different uses and economy. Manual seemed to indicate it's compression braking like a big rig. No energy conversion. I read another post somewhere that indicated better energy conversion with the B selected. When and how often should I use the B? Thanks
Welcome. Only use B mode going down a mountain when you don't want to brake. There is no regeneration in B mode.
Hey, noob. JimN is right about mountain descents, though I can't completely agree with the 'no regen' part. If you have cruise control in that 2001, you can use it along with B on mtn descents and get amazingly good speed control. That feature went away in 2004 If you don't have cruise control, want to talk about putting it in? Great for giving the right foot a rest on the long flat roads. I'm interested in details on the transaxle replacement, if you have any. If the replacement one came from a donor vehicle, may we discuss a transaxle fluid change? In general to maximize regen in braking, use the brakes as gently as possible. Car will do the rest. It's pretty smart.
The transaxle was new I believe - I'm still looking through the service records. It came to about $5K on the dealer's summary report. I bought it from a private party who kept good records. Fortunately, my 2001 does have cruise control. Have not gone on any long trips to test out the engine braking. Sometime soon, we'll head over to the Oregon coast (which means over the coastal range) so I'll try the B on the way dow the hill.