Was so concerned with putting the quarters into the parking meter and catching the show across the street that I forgot to turn off the ignition. Four hours later the '07 Prius was still there, doors unlocked. The engine had used about 1/2 gallon of gas, the battery was half full, the mpg was considerably lower, but otherwise, the car was fine. Just to let you all know. I wouldn't advise anyone to try it though.
Do you guys lock your car? Because my car does not lock if it's on and that prevents me from leaving it on.
You can lock the car with the mechanical key the pops out of the fob. You can also use the "auto-up" function to close the door and reach in to push the button. Be mindful of your arm. At car shows, it's not uncommon for someone to have their car running for hours at a time. The ICE simply cycles on and off when needed. There's no harm. Calpal, that's for reminding us all how important it is to make sure we shut off. As you see, it's not uncommon and since the car can be so silent it's no wonder. Seriously, it's good that no one stole the car.
Don't feel bad. When I was shopping for my car, the engine on one started up while the salesman and I were standing next to it, looking and talking about it.
Always locking your Prius is a good suggestion. I have gotten into the habit of doing this, even though I don't need to from a security standpoint. Pressing the lock button and getting the car to lock ensures that the doors are closed and the car is powered off. Various other "beeps" tell you something is wrong. Tom
I almost did this to Fiona, but she let out such a pathetic little peep when I tried to lock her with the black button that I investigated further to find out why she was upset. Just another proof that she is probably smarter than I am. . .
I did it once. The worst thing that happened to me was I locked my keys in my Mustang because I am so used to turning off my Prius and just opening the door and hitting the inside door lock and leaving. Very inconvenient to have to wait an hour for AAA to come rescue me.
That has got to be easier to do with the SmartKey. I have the 'conventional' key and only neglected to remove it a couple times so far.... but then, I've had my Prius for 2 days, so I'm still getting familiar with it!
Smart key version - the car will "beep" 3 times @ you if you leave the car "on" and close any door w/o the key in range. If you attempt to drive away, the car will continue to beep @ you.
Hasn't happened to me, I always lock with the door/hatch button, but... At a recent visit to a Toyota dealer I saw aways ahead of me a tech get out of a Prius in the customer pick up area. As I walked past the car, it quietly stared up, the MFD was illuminated, and no one else was in sight... When I got inside, I told my service writer about it. He said it wasn't his car and directed me to another desk. I retold the story and the second service writer jumped up and rushed out to the car. He returned shortly with the FOB. When I was called when Amapola was finished, my service writer handed me my FOB. When I got to my car, the igition was off. Apparently there are many Toyota/Prius service personnel who don't fully understand how the SKS/ignition systems work and what the various signals mean when exiting the car. My service writer also asked me how the black foam gril blocking worked. He's the first of five writers who even mentioned that it was there -- I keep the upper grill blocked year 'round. The writer at least seemed to have some interest it the Prius in general and the particular cars under his care. Wish there were more like him -- Rodger at Berlin Group/Portland (Maine) Toyota.
Ive done it twice. the last time was for over 18 hours. I slept in that sunday, hung around the house did some things. Went out around 9 pm the next day, walked up..engine started up. I went UH HUHHHHH. it was fine, lost about 2 gallon gas though
I suppose if you fogot to shut ignition off and had done so with the fuel down to 1 blinking pip you could stand to destroy the hybrid system as it continues to run on hybrid battery without fuel ? You'd have to have left it running a long time I would imagine, to reach this dire state even with one blinking pip (unless you had been driving it on that blinking pip for a hundred miles or so first.)