Just filled my tank for the first time and my "green screen" said 54.5mpg, hand calc worked out to be 51.3 (9.84 gal, 504.8 miles). Good, bad, ugly ? Where I live even my driveway isn't flat, 99% hilly roads with the occasional flat spot. Clif
Forget the hand calculations. They aren't worth anything unless done over a very large number of tanks. You mileage is fairly average. Not bad, not good, just normal. Tom
Actually I think your mileage is good. Most folks continue to drive this car like any other.... highway speed 70-75 mph plus fast starts from stop. Those folks are probably getting 40-45 mpg. One of the most extensive driving records I've seen is John's page John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more. He has averaged 47 mpg over 114,000 miles. There are folks here that do significantly better than your mileage. They had to work at it. With practice you will get better. Best of Luck!
WooHoo! I figured it was better than those who drive it normal, it is tough around here. My battery is almost always force charging so not only do I have to battle hills (only seem to go up they never have a down side) I am battling the regen. Clif
There are really too many variables at work to be able to compare mpg from one car (driver/miles on car/type of commute/topography/temperature zone/tire pressure/altitude/ethanol concentration) to another. What YOU can do is try to improve your mpg over the same commute route you always take, and check your tire pressure frequently. Lots on this site regarding improving your mpg. Weekdays I average around 61mpg if temperatures are in the 70's, that drops a few on weekends due to shorter trips. I try to appear to be driving normally to other drivers, do a "modified pulse and glide" from 35 to 40 if traffic allows. Temps below 40 and above 90 will decrease your mpg significantly.
I drive in some fairly hilly terrain here & I think that is very good. If you have some stiff wind to go with it, anything over 50 is doing very well. I'm averaging 50+ over the last 3 tanks but we've been having some wind. When I hit the wind and/or hills it is tough to get much over lower 50's.
Hi Duc, Average fuel econmy I think. Up here , and its been freezing or below for half this tank, so far, in the morning, I am at 63.3 mpg at 171 miles into the tank. In warm weather like you have there now I would be in the high 60's. Your doing about what I was the first summer I owned my car. Your definately learning the Prius differences, and not just driving it like a standard car.
You can only drive into the wind or cross wind so many ways. A change of speed definitely changes things but still lowers the mileage. You can always change direction I suppose if inclined. I've tried the hills with speed control, maintaining speed, speeding up & when going down & letting the speed sluff off. I even once at night & would never get over 60 mph & kept the mpg up & slowed to as low as 10mph on the steepest hills. Never did get over 55 mpg. I can get into the 60s on a rare occasion, but the wind & hills always take care of that before the tank is empty. I am anxious to see how the summer mpg thing goes as I got my vehicle in late Dec.
Thanks for the attaboys and the constructive criticism, it is definitely a different vehicle than our FEH was. Things that I cannot change: 20-30 mph winds almost daily Hills every direction that only seem to have an upside Constant regen. The last is what bums me out, we filled up and for the past 52 of 57 miles the thing was charging the battery while I was driving. It is a never ending battle with the hills that really seems to kick the crap out of the Prius. We noticed it on the two days we test drove it before we bought it but thought it would level out like the FEH did, this thing definitely works harder to drive around here. Clif