I have a Motorola RAZR phone with AT&T but I do not get the caller ID on incoming calls. The phone guide from Toyota Letstalk site shows that it is suppose to show caller ID with my phone/service. Does anyone else have this issue with this phone type?
I think in that case you should concern with your dealer or customer care/ service center of Motorola. They can better guide you. Stella
If the calling number is for a person I have in the car's phone book, I see the name. If not, I just see I'm getting a call, no number or name.
Some of the challenges I have in my 2004 are that this version has no fuzzy matching system. I.e. if my caller ID comes in as 16235551212, but my phonebook entry is stored as 6235551212 (Phoenix area codes are dialed w/o the "1" prefix locally), the entry doesn't match and display the name while driving. While stopped, I only see the number. This isn't an issue in the phone itself as this "fuzzy" matching is built into its software. The issue was present no matter which phone I've used (and I've had 4 over the life of my car for various reasons - a Nokia, a Samsung, and 2 Blackberries). What bites me on this matter is that T-Mobile (my carrier) is not consistent in how the caller ID is delivered - sometimes with the "1" prefix, sometimes without. Unless I enter duplicate entries, I have to live w/ the issue and just look @ my phone or answer generically. I'm hoping this issue is resolved in the 2010 handsfree system.
My wife has a Motorola RAZR from AT&T as well. She says the callerid/number doesn't show up for her either. Maybe it's a just a RAZR/Prius BT limitation (?)