My Hymotion: What I've Learned So Far

Discussion in 'Prius PHEV Plug-In Modifications' started by Arthur, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    The CCL and CDL limits should be accessible on the CAN bus, but not sure if anyone has figured out how to do this on the scangauge yet. I'm pretty sure the CAN-View can display these values. I think the open source CANTOP project can as well. Ideally you want to be able to see the CDL, CCL, and your actual current draw. That way if you keep your current draw between CCL and CDL you should never get kicked out of EV. Now keep in mind, sometimes they will be so low you can't do much about it, but at least you'd know. If I ever get time to play with CANTOP this is one of the main things I'd like to work on. Coming up with an intuitive feedback method, such as having the entire MFD slowly change from green to yellow to red as you press down the accelerator and current approaches CDL. As I recall CAN_View has a bar graph read out of Current, and a numerical readout of CCL/CDL, but no easy way to put it all together.

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  2. Theodore

    Theodore Junior Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    Greece - Athens
    2008 Prius
    Plug In Modifications in Europe

    Dear Sir!
    I have just bought the Advance model of the Toyota Prius! I found the Hymotion plug in very interesting and I sent them an email.The problem is that I live in Athens-GREECE and they answered me that they do not send any module in Europe until now....Perhaps they will send it in the future.
    So, can someone told me, where can I find plug in modifications in Europe???

    Thank you very much!
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  3. SageBrush

    SageBrush Senior Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    Southwest Colorado
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Re: Plug In Modifications in Europe

    I seem to recall plug-in modifications in UK. A google search may turn them up. As for being 5,000 km from service -- well, either you are very brave, or an outstanding engineer.
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  4. sidsjiff

    sidsjiff New Member

    Nov 17, 2005
    Thanks for everyone's replies -- what's written above leads to another question. Since I presumablly have the latest firmware updates including the mandatory ICE kick-in shortly after startup -- any suggestions on how i can defeat this so I stay in EV mode always? Does the EV modification help with this or does that not really make a difference since I already have the Hymotion installed? I do a number of short-hop low speed trips and it's most annoying that I have to pull over and stop for a few seconds just to get the ICE to shutoff.
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  5. ibcs

    ibcs New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Englewood , Ohio
    2006 Prius
    If you make a lot of short trips you can use the Forced Stealth Modification that prevents the engine from starting period. It requires a scangauge to clear the error and you are able to drive to a maximum speed of 52 MPH. Plug-In-Supply offers this to their customers. I don't know how Hymotion would feel about the modification. Carolyn's Lucious garage sells the instructions to allow for EV under 52 MPH. The only drawback is that to start the engine you must power cycle the car.
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  6. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Well, if you *actually* warm a battery to more optimal operating
    conditions, then it isn't a "fakeout" and you wouldn't be abusing
    it with high currents. Here's the paper reference that "iamian"
    over on CleanMPG sent me that spells out some of it. He's been
    researching a lot of stuff about Insight packs lately.
    I thought something as simple as a 50W heating pad under the
    stock battery box would do the trick, but it might also need
    a bit of additional insulation around the rest to help hold that
    heat in if the car's outside in brisk, cold winds overnight.
    1 person likes this.
  7. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Re: Plug In Modifications in Europe

    The page below lists most of the major companies offering PHEV conversions.

    Prius PHEV - EAA-PHEV

    The only one I'm aware of in Europe is Amberjac, but they are I believe still in the development phase and like many in that phase charging a very high price for early adoption partners. This list may not be all inclusive, there may be others out there. If you are technical at all, you could consider going with the open source do it yourself route. There is enough info out there that a technical person can probably do it completely themselves, or there are kits available now for $5-10k USD.

  8. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    I agree. Early on people considered messing with the temperature sensors to fake the battery temperature and allow high current draw when cold. That seems like a really bad idea. However, if you actually warm up the battery then there is no faking involved and all should be well. The only trick is making sure all the battery modules are warmed evenly. If one module is still cold, but the temp sensors read warm you will likely cause that one module to fail early.

  9. PeakOilGarage

    PeakOilGarage Nothing less than 99.9

    Oct 3, 2008
    Pacific Northwest
    2009 Prius
    I have heard the Lucious Garage in San Francisco has a hack that will work with the Hymotion system. This will force EV. I don't have the details though.
  10. ibcs

    ibcs New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Englewood , Ohio
    2006 Prius
    I'm using it to give 52 MPH without engine start. The hack does cause error codes on dash, but can be cleared with Scangauge. I love the hack for short trips.
  11. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius
    I noticed something odd today. After using up my Hymotion charge on an early morning trip, I came home and plugged in to recharge for a couple of hours. When I was ready to leave again, I unplugged (with the Hymotion battery about half charged) and drove off. It was rather warm outside (about 55 F), so I was surprised to find that the car didn't go directly into EV mode. In fact, it wouldn't go into EV mode at all. After a couple blocks, I pulled over and restarted the car. Still no EV mode. After driving a few miles, the engine was nicely warmed up (>160 F). At stop signs, the engine would shut off and it would stay off at speeds below 40 F, but still no EV mode. The Hymotion pack seemed to be working fine (no flashing LED errors and normal flickering between Prius SOC and Hymotion SOC on the Prius display).

    When I got to my destination, I tried restarting the car again. This time, it finally went into EV mode. After EV mode engaged, I noticed a repeated whirring/pumping sound (that I often notice coming from the front left of the car when in EV mode). This time, it when on for about a minute before stopping. I feel more comfortable when I know what my car's noises mean. Anyone know what this one is about?
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  12. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius
    What is the behavior like on hills? More specifically, what happens when you floor it on the way up a long, steep hill?

    This mod/hack sounds like a wonderful thing, but I have a couple other questions:

    1) Is it legal?
    2) Does it void what little warranty you had left after installing the Hymotion pack?
    3) Does anyone have any concerns about it damaging the car (other than by starting it or turning it off at the wrong time)?

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  13. zcat3

    zcat3 New Member

    May 4, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    Hi Arthur - you can see my post about this mod on my other thread, but here is my take on your concerns (keep in mind these are educated guesses):

    1) Not sure how it could be illegal except perhaps in California if CARB got involved and did not like the bypassed ICE warmup. But given that in order to run the car with the ICE, you have to stop and shut down the car and re-start, which will trigger the ICE warmup, I am not sure where they could complain about this.

    2) Once again, given that the initial Hymotion software allowed for EV mode without any ICE warmup (until CARB got involved, the bastages), I do not see how Hymotion could take issue with this. I would sure hope they would stand by their product even with this mod (and I would certainly expect them to). In fact, given that this mod does not allow for the ICE to come on cold with the car at speed (as both the OEM EV mod Toyota uses in the rest of the world and on the 2010 model and the initial Hymotion software allowed), I would think this would be far less likely to cause damage or wear on the drivetrain.

    3) As I noted in my separate thread, you can getyourself in trouble if you hit the button by mistake when you don't want to (like on the freeway). It would nice if there was a fail safe that would not let this mode be engaged unless the car was going say less than 45 MPH. As for damage to the car, my two concerns would be the battery packs and the electric motor (as noted above I am not concerned about the ICE at all). Toyota allows the motor to propel the car up to 42 MPH, so they deem this safe. I have no clue as to what additional wear allowing the car to go to 52 MPH using the electric motor can cause, if any. Perhaps someone else will chime in. As for the batteries, I think the same deal applies - will using the batteries at a higer speed make a difference. Clearly running the car at 50 MPH on batteries alone causes the batteries to run down faster - but does this harm them in the long term?
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  14. ibcs

    ibcs New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Englewood , Ohio
    2006 Prius
    I will answer the questions to the best of my ability.

    1) I have no idea, I did not ask anyone since it is my car.
    2) I did not ask and I was hesistant to release the information, but I don't feel like I'm hurting the Hymotion. It shuts off when drawing too much current and/or depleted.
    3) I love the modification and I hope not to damage the car.

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  15. Arthur

    Arthur Member

    Oct 10, 2008
    Corning, NY
    2008 Prius
    Under what circumstancess would you "draw too much current?" In other words, what would the car have to be doing in order to trigger a shut-off. Also, what gets shut off? What would happen when "it shuts off?"

    What about my question about hills? How does the car behave when going up a steep hill. Does flooring it cause anything weird to happen or does it ignore the extra pedal pressure?

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  16. zcat3

    zcat3 New Member

    May 4, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    2008 Prius
    I'm sure Kent will have a better answer, but my experience so far is that only the first half of the go pedal is in play with the EV only mode. I can floor it on a flat, but it really doesn't accelerate any faster than if I just go to half pedal. Acceleration is adequate on a flat - in this format the car would be an excellent 40 mph and below EV. I actually hit 53 today and then the car ignores you.
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  17. sidsjiff

    sidsjiff New Member

    Nov 17, 2005
    Two techniques I've developed over the last 2 weeks:

    1) Limiting CARB-mandated ICE warmup
    I've noticed that the initial CARB-mandated ICE warmup that occurs after turning on the car is very short so I've been testing it out. At least here in our moderate Southern California morning temperatures, I've timed how long it takes for the ICE warmup phase to shutoff without moving the car (just sit and do nothing):
    A. Turn on Car - 15 seconds car sits there.
    B. ICE engages - stays on at most 60 seconds (sometimes less if it has just been driven)
    C. ICE turns off and doesn't turn on unless needed.

    So now, my wife and I do a simple exercise: turn on the car and wait exactly one minute. Sure enough the ICE is off and then we start driving with mostly the battery until we get to faster speeds. Personally, I find this easier than the enforced EV modification discussed here.

    2) Avoiding ICE at speeds above 32MPH
    Like others, I've found the Hymotion battery gives a good amount of juice for acceleration at the lower speeds - a lot better than even a fully charged NiMH Prius battery. I accelerate at a good clip, and then just as the speedometer hits 32MPH I glide - usually the momentum takes me to 33MPH or higher (unless uphill) and then I lightly put the gas on again using the Hymotion battery to continue acceleration. It seems to prevent the ICE from turning on at 32.5MPH like it usually does in a steady acceleration. Eventually the ICE does turn on of course, but it minimizes its use on roads with speed limits of 45MPH and lower.

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  18. ibcs

    ibcs New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
    Englewood , Ohio
    2006 Prius
    I really have only drawn too much current when the batteries are cold. When they are cold, I'm guessing that Hymotion has a current circuit that shuts down the Hymotion when drawn too quickly.

    Hills are slow. When in EV mode if it is a small hill it will navigate, but you might loose some speed. I have one steep hill by my house. When I know I have to climb it I hit the button at the top of the hill allowing me to use the engine to climb.

    Flooring the gas pedal has the same effect as pushing it about half way. I have noticed that a lighter touch seems to give a better acceleration. Yes, the Prius seems like a very nice golf cart when in forced EV mode.

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  19. glaf8421

    glaf8421 New Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    Miami, Florida
    2007 Prius