I've been thinking of buying a 2005 Prius. I was talking to a dealer and he said we can't add on the VIP security upgrade to the AM package. Is this true? I definitely want a security system, and I think the BC package is a bit too pricey (and I don't like the AI package, as I think I need the VSC, living in New England). Thanks!!!
I came to a similar conclusion as you did and got myself an AM package a couple weeks ago. Another nice thing about the AM package is the HID headlights. They are a pleasure to have them shining in front of you when you are driving at night. The BC has some nice stuff added to it (the NAV and Bluetooth), but 3G more just seems a bit much for that added functionality.
I agree on your choice of VSC. Many posters here have stated the opinion that the Prius key system is all the security they need. The immobilizer built in to the key system (smart or otherwise) does the job of making the car hard to steal. If you also want the car to make noise when breached, that's a different matter, and some select the Glass Breakage Sensor for such breaches. Others may be able to say this more clearly. I made my option choice (BC) based on what was available for sale (and a love of maps).
I guess that I'm really the wrong guy to answer, since I've always insisted on having all my cars FULLY loaded. My Prius is no exception. Ok. I'm a Techno-Geek - but THE TOYS ARE WORTH IT!!!! 8)
I know. In the months I've own the Prius, I've never once said, "Geez I wished I'd saved three large and not bought the BC package."
I don't use the nav often but when I need it it's worth far more that the $3000 extra for the package. Better than printing out maps off the internet.
We had to get the nav pkg to get a tape player. My wife listens to books on tape a lot. I've got GPS in my Avalanche, Motorhome and on our motorcycles so it wouldn't be right not to have it in the Prius. We use it far more than we ever thought we would before we got the first one. We seem lost now if we don't have it in a vehicle. Is that spoiled or what?? Doug
I have always gotten my vehicles fully loaded. I always felt the extra cost was a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the vehicle. Also, you will generally end up spending more later trying to install after market items. With that said I only wanted the AM package with this car. I really got used to my handheld GPS unit. However, they only had the BC package on the lots so we ended up getting two of those instead so we only had a 1 day wait instead of several months. I am now glad I did get the BC package. There have been a couple times when I forgot to get a map or forgot the location I tried to memorize, was too lazy to print the map) and had to rely on the GPS NAV. While it was not the best in the world it was worth it those couple of times. Also, I figured best have it and not need it than to need it and not have it when it came to the extra security and safety features. I think the blue tooth is the only thing I have not used yet (do not feel like spending $200 on a new blue tooth phone).
Ah, but you CAN enable the alarm system. There is an option setting called DOP Security. Have the dealer enable that and you will have the alarm. Supposedly though, if the GBS is added without removing a yellow wire to the body ECU, the option disappears. If you don't add GBS, it has been found you won't have a problem enabling the alarm.