I need to replace my driver side washer nozzle (old one shoveled off while clearing snow off the hood ). I have the replacement. I need to remove the insulation under the hood to get at the fittings. The insulation mat is held in place by a number of plastic plug-in fitting around 3/4 inch in diameter. I don't want to break them. Does anybody know whether they are twist off, or just have to be popped off? The service manual doesn't seem to deal with this issue.
My guess is that they pop off. Its not unusual if you break some of those fittings since they are subject to engine heat and will become brittle over time. In particular, the fittings that secure the plastic cover over the radiator and the plastic cowl pieces are relatively delicate and can break. You can buy replacements from your dealer if this becomes necessary; suggest you bring an original clip with you to help the parts clerk find the correct part.
Well, I took the bull by the horns and did it! I used 2 screwdrivers to pry the plugs up, and twisted with my other hand (just kidding, I only used 2 hands). The insulation material is very delicate, and it took some care to prevent shredding of the black surface. anyway, I removed only 4 plugs and was able to get at the hole where the washer head needed to be connected. I popped in the washer head and wet the end of the hose. It slid right into place. The plugs popped right back in - no problem. I would love to say "Mission Accomplished", but the hood might just fall off in 2 weeks.
I will be doing this today and this video shows how to replace nozzles without removing the insulation. Watch at 1:20 for nozzle replacement.