I am 37. I ski and hike. I don't know what yoga is. I eat organic food sometimes. I eat yogurt almost every day. I probably drink more decaff than most people drink regular. I suppose I'm independent, although I don't vote. Dave
i over 45 democrat under paid rather die than drink decaffiened coffee i eat grass fed beef, but most of what i eat is not organic... on grass fed beef which is a carbon sink (sequesters more carbon than it produces) i eat it because grain-fed beef (granted is usually transported much greater distances) is carbon producer. it takes 15 calories of energy for every calorie of protein produced in grain fed beef. a family of four eating a steak dinner uses the same resources as that same family out driving in an SUV for 3 hours while leaving every light in the house on.
23 years old don't ski, hike, or practice yoga. my exercise is walking my dogs don't drink coffee; I drink Coke. will buy organic food if its only a dollar more expensive; like yogurt, and i will say i like organic yogurt, because its made with sugar, not corn syrup i lean towards democrat but i'm not enthused much about any two party political system
When I bought my Prius I got a 3,000 euros (around 4,400$ just then) subvention for hybrids -institutional "green" politics in my region-, so my Prius cost me LESS than a comparable car. So I didn't mind about income. Given this, I'm afraid I'm over 45, I used to ski (just now difficult with a little kid), I like yogurt, but nothing organic, nor coffee in any iteration, and what I'd vote in my country I'm afraid could seem comunist in the glorious US of A
I was precisely 45 when I purchased my Prius. I definitely make much less money than average. I don't drink coffee at all, have absolutely no athletic pursuits, hate yogurt, and would only buy organic if the price was right. But, yeah, I'm a Democrat. My daddy raised me right (or left, LOL). But I do wish we had more choice; it seems to always be a case of trying to pick the lesser evil.
--No --Yes to skiing/hiking, yoga-never --Not really, I do choose organic food when I can, but it's pretty rare that I actually have it. --Yup.
How close am I? Over 45 (almost 56) I am very active. Average income..... retired but part time actor an part time courier. I drink decaf, don't eat salt and like yogurt sometimes, and I am registered as Republican but vote for who I think is best, not along party lines. Also, we own an '07 package 6 Prius and a loaded '08 Camry Hybrid.... incidentally, which the difference in price over a comparably optioned gas Camry GLE was about $200....LESS! But I made a real deal... mine was $2500 less. Prius is hard to compare. There are no apples to compare to that apple.:thumb:
Hmm. Well over 45. Don't ski or hike (though I did 30 years ago), definitely vote left of center, enjoy yogurt but never did yoga. Don't go out of my way to eat organic. Decaff coffee is against my religion.
My Prius Purchase ages would be 25, 27, and 33. Sorry. Used to do the first two, longing to find time to ski again. Otherwise, not really. Used to drink only decaf, but hardly go the organic route unless it's convenient. I do fit this one.