They asked for comments, so I left one .... "Where did you find all these RETARDS that can't put a simple FOB into a slot, put foot on brake, and push a big round button ONCE. Yes its that simple!! You german's tend to over complicate the simplest things. The poll tells the true results!!! Prius WINS!!!" March 15, 2009 1:21 PM
I could unlock my Prius, start it and drive circles around that guy all before he quits picking his nose.
Poll closed, I bet they wont say much about the results or they will just take it down. Prius Hybrid 463 (61%) Clean Burning Jetta Diesel 293 (38%) I guess 1% donkey vote. If I set a "Clean burning" diesel Jetta on fire will it smoke?
For those of us not from Austrialia, here is the definition: Full article: [ame=""]Donkey vote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Tom
So... what was the final MPG of the 7,800 mile drive? Diesel is most efficient in highway cruising, which obviously this drive favored. Yet, there's no results are readily apparent. That outcome missing is rather suspicious. .
The poll results were taken down, now there's an article posted which appears to be reaching out (somewhat) to Prius owners. Except it is asking why the proportion of hybrids sold isn't larger. This is like asking why more turbos haven't sold, or why more Chrysler Hemi V8s haven't sold. For that matter, how popular will diesel technology be considering that GM really botched that product in the 80s. We have a diverse population, different people like to buy different vehicles, why is this a big surprise? Also some have a short-sighted view of the long-term outlook for fuel prices. For many the cost/benefit ratio of hybrids is not at the point where they are ready to make the purchase.
I've gone off Volkswagen. The Golf especially has reliability problems. A guy once parked his fancy new Golf outside a Gas station not far from my house with a sign, "<Something or other> could not fix this car. Phone me on <cell number>" To be fair, my moms 1982 Golf kept goin for years. The radiator in her 1978 Golf was a piece of bovine fecal matter. I have many memories of my mom and I getting stuck cause that 1978 Golf was either boiling, or the battery had died. That car was so simple though a monkey could fix it.
I think the best answer is to invite them to PriusChat for a true discussion and dialog ... but why? First we have to teach them about the protocol of a proper test. We then have to teach them freshman physics and thermodynamics. Finally, we have to each them how to answer even the posts that had already been made. In short, we have to 'teach the pig to sing.' We had a lot of fun with them but I don't know there is any real follow-up. We've visited their forums and not seen a single follow-up to any of a dozen postings. I don't think they even read them or perhaps they don't understand them. Regardless, I see no reason to play in that sandbox any longer. Bob Wilson
Hey, bredekamp, I don't think the Golf came around until the mid to late 80's. The small VW that was around from 1975 until the real Golf was the Rabbit (I owned a '78 Diesel Rabbit---many reliability problems with that one). When the newly shaped Golf (a Rabbit derivative with more gently curved lines) was first out, there was still a small VW that retained the same Rabbit shape for a while longer. It was the Cabriolet, which was nothing more than a Rabbit convertable. I think there was still a Rabbit in 1982, but your mom's radiator problems in her '78 (Rabbit) may have been due to using regular antifreeze in her cooling system. The ownwer's manual specified to only use "phosphate-free" anti-freeze (which was $16/gallon at the dealer & not easy to find elsewhere) but many people couldn't see the sense in spending so much on anti-freeze, so they just used the regular stuff. Supposedly the phosphates in the regular stuff caused a chemical reaction between the different metals in the engine block, the head, & the radiator to eat away the aluminum radiator (the weakest of the 3). It happened to me because my dealer used the regular $4/gallon stuff for coolant replacement after some engine repairs at 25,000 miles. After having been told by the VW factory service rep to stick stricktly to the ownwer's manual, I questioned my dealer's service manager/advisor why they used the regular stuff instead of the phosphate-free as the manual specified. His answer was "don't pay any attention to your manual---it' not always right". So I foolishly left it in there & guess what I was doing a few months later---buying a new radiator for $200 (normally $400, but luckily for me on sale when I needed it). The parts man looked at me & said "you tried to save a few bucks & didn't use my phosphate free anti-freeze, did you?---that's why you're having to buy this now". I told him his service dept put in the regular stuff & said not to believe the manual's specification & he got that "deer-in-the-headlights" look. Just think how the dealership's reasoning must have been. If they can sell the radiator at $200 on sale & still make a profit, save the customer $12 by putting in the wrong stuff so we can get him for a profit of $200+ when he has to come back to replace his eaten out radiator. Maybe they could make even more profit on other repairs too if the coolant leaking out of the dissolving radiator caused the engine to overheat or the acidic coolant ate into the block or head. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Don't bother, they won't learn or discuss anything. I've seen a few of them post elsewhere on the internet. They have made up their minds as to which car they think is better and it doesn't look like it is going to change. As a VW TDI owner, it embarrasses me to see what they post on their website. It does nothing but reinforce the notion that diesel fans can't acknowledge hybrids as being good cars. We're not all like that, but a few websites like that certainly promotes the idea, which is not what we need.
2 weeks after the drive completed, they still haven't provided the MPG results. That's highly suspicious, especially considering how much other content has been provided. The quote above is from the homepage of the website. They intended post detail. None has materialized. I bet the Iconic Prius did way better than they anticipated. And now with the more efficient 2010 model on the way, it would be a devastating blow to the diesel revealing what actually happened. .
They are surprised by the results themselves, but yet mystified that with such popularity, why hasn't the prius sold more? Humm... I don't know what their target was, but until now since Gas prices are down, I think a 2 - 3 month waiting list was a bit ridiculous... just how much better do you want them to sell? Anyway, they are basically wanting to know the secret to what keeps the Golden Goose alive because they are only interested in Gold. The Prius is not bought on mpg alone,.. I for one would have never spent that much for mpg alone, but I love all the amenities, ease of maintenance, and longevity of the name Toyota. Jetta doesn't compare in reputation to Toyota.. If they want to compete with the Prius, they better do something "earth shattering".. and simply not compete with the "chosen on" who has already paid the price, took the risks, and did the homework to make a car that actually works without being buggy all the time which sets the pace for all others to step up to. I"m always amused at companies that lay back and let someone else take the risks , then they want to come in a reap the spoils of anothers hard work. Jetta, if you want the Glory.. get the guts.... do something spectacular!.... Going Diesel is not it, especially when it cost substantially more than Gas! LOL!
If their Prius won this un-blind, uncontrolled test, they really are stupid. The EPA highway ratings are fairly close. These numbers have to be much farther apart to make it difficult to pre-select a winner, then hypermile it and sandbag the other to get that predetermined result.
16 days after the drive completed, there are still no results posted... despite their promise to "detail the mileage statistics". The website has been updated quite a few times since that completion too. But still nothing in reference to the MPG achieved. .
I doubt you will.. its like we just handed them bullets for their gun and said "now, shoot yourself in the foot!"
Well if I wanted a car whose fuel can cost up to a buck more a gal than gas, whenever, I might consider a VW. That being said, I'm a cheap bastard, and I do not want to pay a penny more than I have to!!! Prius wins!! SIMPLE!