The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is selling drawing tickets for a 2005 Prius, Silver with all the bells and whistles. This has been donated by Toyota to help raise money for research and care centers. 1-$50 and 3-$100. The odds are unbelievable. You can purchase tickets at: or call the foundation at 323.655.8525
Re: Win a 2005 Toyota Prius from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundat Thank you so much. I will send you the stubs for the tickets ASAP and good luck. Your odds as of now are about 1/200. Thank you again, Anna
One of my friends died of CF and one will die from it in the future. We need to cure CF. The current administration has cut research funding as a whole. Buy tickets. Blue
Re: Win a 2005 Toyota Prius from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundat Thanks for the link. I just bought 3. I'd love to win the car (I know - fat chance) - but I'm just as happy knowing that my $100 is going to help a good cause. 8) Yoda