I just drove home in my new 2009 Prius pakage 5. Love the car but the hard plastic steering wheel was very uncomfortable. I'd like to change the steering wheel to the factory leather one but have been told the wheel can not be replaced. Does anyone know if the outer wheel with spoke supports can be taken off the steering/airbag assembly? Thanks for your input!
Replacing your steering wheel is pretty easy. I did it recently this past week when I bought a custom carbon fiber steering wheel on eBay. Just do a google search on "how to replace prius steering wheel". And you will find a result under priuschat. Make sure that you buy a OEM fitting steering wheel that will fit. I would go to eBay and look there. Just search for Prius Steering Wheel. Make sure that you disconnect the batter positive terminal before you disconnect the airbag connectors! Otherwise, you will get an error code that can only be reset by the dealer. AND, it may VOID your warranty if they find out you've been fiddling with the airbag. Goodluck.
WOW...thanks so very much for the prompt and informative reply. Regarding the airbag, I was told by the dealer that if they changed the steering wheel the airbag would have to be re-calibrated. Hmmm?
I actually have a touring with the leather wheel, and still put a Wheelskin on it. Highly recommended! They sell them on this very website in lots of colors. Way easier and cheaper than replacing the wheel.
Recalibrate for what? That's interesting. All one needed to do was disconnect the battery terminal to make sure that no juice is running, then disconnect the airbag ground (which is not easy to just pull off. You actually have to push a tab in one of the sides of the connector to be able to pull it off, then the two black and orange connectors from the back of the airbag (I managed to pry them off by gently using a flat head screw driver to lift the tabs off the connections. They are very SNUGLY connected on there for obvious safety reasons). Sounds like your dealer wants to milk you out of more unnecessary charges. Oh, btw...before you disconnect your positive battery terminal, make sure that you have all your indoor lights on and to pump the brakes several times to drain any extra juice from the car. AND to make sure the you put something in between the battery terminal positive connectors to prevent them from accidentally touching while you are working. Vinny
Thanks to all who have replied. Taking the wheel off is WAY beyond my capabilities but I'll certainly look into it. The Wheelskin is looking better and better. ;-)
Just last week I replaced the stock steering wheel in my '05 package 6 with an '08 factory leather wheel. I had the leather steering wheel cover, (after market) on for almost 100K miles and never really liked it but it was the best I could do then because leather was not an option. I recently found the like new '08 wheel and what a difference. Makes the interior of the car look a lot cleaner. When my wife got in the car the other night she even commented that it looked very nice. So I am happy. By the way no issues re swapping the wheels at all.
I have had a wheelskin on for a year now and love it. Follow the directions and take your time installing it and you will be pleased.
I did the wheelskins in my last car after the factory leather wheel started disintegrating. It's easy to install, just takes a little patience with the stitching. Figure an hour or so. It's not difficult to do at all, just tedious. Beats a new steering wheel or going to a shop to get new leather.
Yeah, I too went the wheelskin route, LOVE IT! You will find after several years it will start to disintegrate. I have had one on my 4Runner since I bought it in '95 and have had to replace the skin about every 5 years. It tends to crumble away, but hey , but I do like the feel of a fresh Wheel Skin!! Looks great too!
A CARBON FIBER STEERING WHEEL!!!! Where can I see it? Who do I bribe/pay off to get one!!!! (seriously, who was the seller on ebay?) I WANT IT. I WANT IT. I WANT IT. THANKS!