Just saw my first Tesla in Boulder Colorado. WOW! Pulled up next to it at several stoplights in a row. Driver said he was from Golden and his was the second in Colorado. Very quiet! Did not get a change to drag race him with my 2004 Prius,(rush hour traffic). I WANT ONE NOW!!! When the Formerly Big 3 actual put out a car that I want, I will support their bailout, until then, no thanks. Saw a bet earlier that Toyota would have a PHEV before GM cancelled their Volt program. Looking more likely every day.
Yes, the Tesla does look very exotic. It makes me drool* * a lot of things make me drool. I really should see a doctor about that
As a follow up.... Thanks Peak Oil, I didn't realize that it might have been a tester car. One of the Manufacturing Directors at my place of work has a green Tesla. Very cool car, I drool at it everytime I walk by it in the parking lot (which is about 6 or more times a day as I walk between buildings). Boys and their toys.
And the drivers look downright silly trying to get in and out of the Tesla Roadster. It is not a graceful procedure. There is actually a recommended order of body parts for getting in. Foot, butt, head, other foot.
Might have been, but there are now several orange ones tooling around. Look for pictures of a bright red one on EVnut.com next week. I finally get to drive one. Yay. :cheer2: