This month I drive my Prius for 3 years...(and only now I found this forum, shame on me) I didn't buy it new, it was a show/testcar from Toyota, had 26.000 km on the clock, now I passed the 90.000km. It is registered 12/2003, but it's the 2004 model. The MFD has been replaced it succed the battery empty and gave strange messages(warranty), the front tires have been replaced (Michelin) and once in a while I have to fill up the gas/fuel/benzine In winter (cold=heating) I use around 4,7 l/100km, during spring and autum (no AC no heating) I can get 4,2 out of it. My best 500km had an average of 3,9, don't remember how I managed that. Apart from the low fuel bill, there is one thing which makes it worth even more; noise! or the absence of it. Standing before a red light in an empty street, it's silent, really silent, and that's very, very nice after a hard days work. Greetings.
Glad to hear you are having fun with your Prius, keep up the good work and welcome to Priuschat.:cheer2:
Welcome! It is good that you found this forum. I am sure you can learn many things from it and with 3 years of Prius experience, you will be able to add many things.
:welcome: Welcome to PriusChat dentom, and you too, Mickey9201! PC is a great place to learn and share. Even if you've had your car a while, you may learn something new. I do.
dentom :welcome:to PriusChat!!! This community is so enthusiastic and always willing to help out someone who has an issue or question. It's truly the nicest group of people. You'll love it here. I know I do!!!
he dentom i send you a private message here on priuschat. because you have one of the first models i have some questions about that you can read your Private message looking at your right top of the priuschat webpage there you have the `Private Messages: Unread 0, Total x.` link you can click on thx
Belgian looking at bringing a US Prius into Belgium Hello, I'm from Belgium and I'm currently living and working in the US. I'm at the point of bying a Prius IV in the US, and bringing the car next year to Belgium. I 've seen a lot of mail traffic on the problems of importing a US car in EUR. Maybe you can help me, (or find a good contact/dealer) to answer the following questions : - What are the specific modifications that need to be done (certainly installing rear fog lights ...) - Is an EUR navigation DVD compatible with the US navigation system _ What about extending the US warranty (USand CAN only) to world wide Hope you can help me ... Ken 63