Ok this is not really much of a new thread but more of an announcement. I am fine but I was in a wreck tonight (just got back from ER) and totaled my car. Someone drove straight through a red light and slammed right into my side. Fortunately they hit solid in the front panel. Half a second difference and it would have been square in my door and it would probably been aloha for me. I did hit my head on the door frame really hard. My airbags in front went off but for some reason my side airbags didn't. The best part and the real Friday the 13th part is that the other driver has no insurance. I am sooo sore right now but I know the oxycodone will kick in any minute. I am going to miss my little golf cart.
Sorry for this bit of news but very happy you're OK! :cheer2: Wildkow p.s. Head injuries are nasty be careful and be alert for any of these signs for the next week or so please. Changes in, or unequal size of pupils Convulsions Distorted features of the face Fluid draining from nose, mouth, or ears (may be clear or bloody) Fracture in the skull or face, bruising of the face, swelling at the site of the injury, or scalp wound Impaired hearing, smell, taste, or vision Inability to move one or more limbs Irritability (especially in children), personality changes, or unusual behavior Loss of consciousness, confusion, or drowsiness Low breathing rate or drop in blood pressure Restlessness, clumsiness, or lack of coordination Severe headache Slurred speech or blurred vision Stiff neck or vomiting Symptoms improve, and then suddenly get worse (change in consciousness)
Ugh! Glad to hear you're okay. The police at least nabbed the driver, right? Did you have uninsured motorist coverage? Are you getting another Prius?
Arrr bugga! What a hassle. Glad to hear your OK, I hope the bruises clear quickly. Take care and try to have someone around all the time for a few days, someone needs to keep an eye on you for a few days. Odd that the curtain airbag failed to deploy. Look at the bright side, you don't need to replace it! Or do you? I hope you replace your Prius with a Prius.
Been there, done that - but not in a Pruis. I'm really sorry for your hassle, but glad you're OK. Let us know how you're doing later. Take care.
On the bright side Totaled means you don't have to end up with questionable repairs on a complicated car. I bet you can get a good deal now on a new one.
Kow, take a good look again at the symptoms you listed. Now take a good look at perryma's avatar. It's my guess that perryma will have some or most of these symptoms on any given weekend morning. In all seriousness, good that you are okay perryma. There are a lot of dumb a$$ drivers running around out there. Perhaps there is a new 2010 in your future. Tom
Serious bummer for you - seems like lousy drivers and no insurance often go together. At least you're OK - and your little buggy mostly protected you, eh? Might be a good idea to let Toyota know that the side are bags failed? Wishing you a speady recovery. Donny
Is the party over? Yep, that is kinda how my head feels this morning and my neck is killing me...but I am ok. I do wish my side bags had gone off just so I could have seen what they look (and my head might not be hurting so bad). All I can say is that I can't get over the fact that a second difference would have been curtains for me. I may have to go back to a Volvo now cause I am a little gun shy. I will miss the gas mileage though. Who knows? A lot is going to depend on what my insurance will give me for my car. I did have a lot of miles (90?)but my last two tanks were 50 and 51 and Toyota had checked my batteries and said they were still perfect. Does anyone know what happens to you car once it is totaled? Do I still own it? Does the insurance company own it ?
Once that happens, it's pretty much too late...that's a late sign of brain herniation usually onset well after coma begins. People come in all the time thinking there's some terrible think happening b/c they looked in the mirror and think their pupils are unequal. If you are capable of looking in the mirror and assessing your pupils...you're OK. Again, late sign and usually only related to immediate injury or very severe injury. ? Not even sure what that's getting at, but it's not part of any head injury instruction I've ever given. This will be present with a basilar skull fracture from a very serious blow to the head and should have been present when in the ER, it doesn't present as a late sign in minor head injuryt. Lots of people get swelling, not sure how you're supposed to know if you have a skull fx. Another weird one, none of which are common to head injury. Seen much more with stroke or spinal cord injury. unsteady gait, confusion, vision changes, severe headache and vomiting are really what you need to look for. I agree with these Yes, LOC would be worrisome, confusion as well. Drowsiness is a common sign of post concussion and is too non-specific to be of concern without other evidence of serious injury. worthless advice, slow breathing (how slow??) would be another late sign of herniation and typically too rapid breathing occurs with early herniation...again, you're so sick before either of these happen that you'll be at the hospital or near death. Ok, restlessness isn't as big of a deal without some other sign, but lack of coordination is a common sigh of developing head bleed sometimes. absolutely slurred speach yes, blurred vision...maybe, maybe not. Pretty much every concussion has some blurry vision at times, but if it's severe or there's double vision then I'm more concerned. Nah, that's a sign of neck injury, but not head injury. Lots of people have nausea with concussions, and maybe a little vomiting that's mild once or twice. But projectile vomiting, repeated vomiting or severe vomiting esp. with a bad headache you need to be rechecked and probably have a CT scan. this is getting at an epidural hematoma. But typically this is someone who gets knocked out, wakes up, feels OK, then 1-2 hours later has a sudden deterioration with symptoms I point out that are important above (ie, severe HA, severe Vomiting, unsteady gait, confusion). Just slowly getting worse over days is more likely muscle if none of the above symptoms are present.
If the insurance company decides the car is uneconomic to repair, they will declare it a total writeoff. They then own the car. However, a colleague of mine managed to buy the car back off the insurer when they totalled it for (allegedly) about £1,000 of damage - the assessment is normally done comparing book value of the vehicle with the cost of fitting new parts. If you can get hold of second-hand or substitute parts cheaper than the dealer's prices, you may manage an economic repair. Still, if the vehicle's frame has been damaged, I'd be happier with a new car.
Not me. I just make a mental note not to drink so much As far as the car, they can always be replaced. I've never given a backwards glance to a totaled car. Odd how every crash I've been in, some other asshat blew a red light or stop sign and t-boned me Except that time I was at a red light, minding my business, and was rear ended. The woman who rear ended me wasn't even that good looking, either ...
Hang tough perry -- The insult thread is ready whenever you are! Janis should be sending you some muffins once she reads this ....
LOL! ound: I think I have some of those symptoms this morning! :nod: Wildkow p.s. perry listen to the doc I just cut and pasted those from the internet. I was worried because years ago I had a close acquaintance die a week after head trauma.
Hey perryma... Sorry to hear of your accident but glad you're ok! Feel better soon because I've been saving up insults....