Hi all, I refer to the following article from the in-house magazine of Toyota Corporation of South Africa. http://www.myprius.co.za/Toyota%20Zone%20Magazine%20MAR-APR%202009.pdf Please check the fuel consumption figures. Bit high, don't you think? It doesn't get cold here like in the States. Could the car just be running in still or are they just driving too fast and taking a lot of short trips? One would think that the staff of a Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies should know how to drive efficiently.
It seems like every time we see a figures for vehicles driven by people who a)don't own the car, b)don't pay for the gas and thus, c)have no particular motivation to get decent FE we see terrible numbers far worse than the peak of the bell shaped curve of statistics posted by actual owners who pay for their own gas.