I am on my third tank of gas. First tank: 411 miles 45mpg Second tank: 485 miles 51.7 mpg. Now I am starting my third full tank. Each time before a fill up, I allowed the light to flash for 10 miles. I know the manual claims you can go approximately 40 miles, but what is a realistic amount of miles to allow fthe last flashing bar to flash? I so want to have a 500 mile tank.
Fill when it flashes...or at the first convenient point after. If you try to push it you'll eventually run out. The fill volume is just too variable as is the gauge's accuracy. When it says to fill you're getting low, add fuel.
Think of it this way (as from the department of homeland security) Two bars left - Full Green no problem One Bar left - yellow alert no real hurry or danger though flashing bar - Orange alert, good bet you have (1) full gallon left, use MPG umber on the MFD readout to gauge how far you can go After traveling the distance equal to the MPG on the MFD - RED zone, everything after that is a gift
I'll buy that although I just fill mine all the way up and multiply the current average by 11.5. My last three tanks were 660 miles 650 miles and 643 miles. My highest was 763 and second highest was 703. My current tank will be somewhere around 650. Obviously, there is no reason to push it in a car that has such a great range. Evan is right about the risk of running out of gas. Any sane person would just stop and get gas when it started flashing so I usually go around 100 miles past that instead. I have run out of gas and the car showed no ill effects and got me the short distance to the gas station on electric power. I have gone as much as 136 miles on the flashing bar with the display showing just under 60 MPG and did not run out. These tanks and gauges are all different and the amount you fill the car will have a big effect on your range as well. Let us know how you do.
Hello, I know first hand about pushing it to far on the flashing light. On my first tank I just wanted to get a feel on how far I could go before I actually ran out of gas. The manual says you could cause damage if you do. BUT, at 483 miles fate took me down the wrong road. Lights seemed to light up everywhere. I was just a notch below panic mode. But thanks to reading alot of Prius forums I know I could make it to the next gas station which was only less than a mile away. Yes it will run out of gas but in the unfortunate case that you do, you can still "LIMP" your way to the next pump.
There is a list of things that people warn about as consequences to running out of gas. Funny thing is that in each case they are sharing their fears instead of their experiences. Yes, it is all possible I suppose.
If you want to test the "MAX" range or you just want to push the flashy bar, turn on the gas station POI and make sure that there is always a station within 3 miles and you will be OK baring something else strange happening. If you don't have NAV then a uhhhhh, get gas! (I've never run out when using the 1 gallon rule when the flashy bar starts)