Found this on YouTube..its very short, but at least you can see what the Blue Ribbon Metalic Prius looks like out in the sun!
Yep, that's exactly what it looked like! My wife just LOVES that color! I took a ride inside one as it was Autoparking, I'l tell you about it after the 25th!
One thing that you can note from the video is that it doesn't park as slow as the media seem to make it out to be. (can't tell you the speed limit after the 25th).
OMG I WAS IN THAT VIDEO!!!!! I'm in the background behind the Prius . I'll tell you it is AWESOME, but you'll have to wait until the 25th for more .
Does the Park Assist only work on the passenger side? I live on a one way street with parking on both sides and it would be great if it worked on both sides of the car. Thanks
Yup. You just gotta press the button on the bottom left of the screen (opposite the OK button) to switch sides of the road.
The question is how often will you use it? I'll probably use it the most for parking in the garage. You know there usually isn't anyone in the garage and that you can prepare for disembarkment (lol) as the car reverses into the garage (in EV!). I can only think of one incident where I'd use it and that was parking in a rather tight spot on a street with no streetlight and with trees blocking the moonlight. I had to get a friend to guide me in because all I could see out the rear window was darkness. The reverse lights couldn't provide enough light to light up the car's bumper.
That's good news. If it worked well I think I would use it alot. It would help avoid kerbing the alloys!
It's improved over the previous two iterations. Now it actually has a guide (rather than an annoying voice) and will tell you where to stop the vehicle so that the camera and computer has the best way to calculate the space. This minimises the amount of guessing where to stop beforing putting the car in reverse. If you didn't place the vehicle correctly, then you may need to do some adjusting onscreen which will of course delay teh process and you don't want to do that in the middle of a busy street.