Smokey the Bear says you to can prevent forest fires We need to start a new campaign: Digby the Dog says you too can prevent dog f%%king
In the Navy, the expression "screw the pooch" is often used for a major mistake. Likewise, the somewhat more explicit "F***ing a dog" is often used as a reply when things aren't going well, or when you are goofing off, as in "What are you doing?", "Oh, I'm f***ing a dog." Tom
As draconian and authoritarian as it sounds, restricting reproductive rights may not be such a bad idea. People have to demonstrate certain skills before being granted a drivers licence, professionals have to earn their credentials, and every trade has its qualifications. So why is creating people, arguably the most important job of all, left up to any idiot who feels like it at the time? My daughter was horrified the other day when I was explaining to her how maybe we should be more like the rest of the animal kingdom. Only the strongest males get to breed, after proving their mettle in a fight, and they keep their harems safe from predators and interlopers. I said humanity would be stronger, smarter, and more likely to survive if the stupid and ugly people weren't allowed to breed.
Be careful with that one, it's just a small step to "lets exterminate the others" A guy called Adolf once thought the same way. Being civilised is having the ability to change Darwin's theories.
Oh, I was being completely facetious, and she knew that. My point to her was that before you have kids, be sure you are ready for the commitment of doing the best job you possibly can. I haven't spent half my life raising children to see them throw it away now. Plus, I don't think I'm ready to called gramps.
Can't see anything basically wrong with having a harem. Do I have to be not stupid AND not ugly or will not being one of them do to guarantee my survival? Not sure about "humanity would be stronger, smarter, and more likely to survive if the stupid and ugly people weren't allowed to breed" My ability to survive would certainly be reduced and I would be tired a lot.
Are you crazy, or just just nuts. Can you imagine multiple women mad at you at the same time? I suspect a harem works only if you have big eunuchs to keep the women submissive. Tom
Now that's a can of worms. Let's not forget that Hitler was a racist nut. Enough about that subject Before That Nut came to power, eugenics was widely practiced in North America. As an example, people committed to insane asylums were routinely sterilized. It's fine for us to pretend that we're such "good" people, but we always seem to ignore parts of our history that are uncomfortable or embarrassing Before a person comments on the cleanliness of another persons underwear, they should examine the cleanliness of their own underwear first
Sure I can It involved a hilarious mistake with a complicated office phone. Still not quite sure how I managed to conference call BOTH girlfriends and may never know. I can laugh about it now, but for around two months, my bed was a cold and lonely place to spend the night ...
Good one, Jayman. Okay, I got another slogan: Friends don't let friends f__ goats. What do you think?
That's in the running to but I think "Digby says its ok to love your pets, but wrong to f@ck your pets." is in the lead. It's new, it's fresh, he looks like that's something he'd say. It has a certain dogged simplicity to it. And his daddy sugested it. Imagine captioning that picture with "You petted me in the bad place!"